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tire rim color


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It Depends on the model and color scheme. For example my '28 model 25 is " Talena brown hub, black drum, black strip on spokes, Buick vermillion stripe on black fellow". Whereas the 28 #50 was "avenue green hub and drum, Buick red stripe on spokes, Buick red stripe on green fellow. This is from the 1914-1930 master parts list. The wheel rim, bolts and wedges colors are not given which I take to mean that they were not model specific and probably black like most of the other chassis parts. Post your year and model number and I'll look it up for you.


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Sorry I got off on a tangent with the wheel colors, when your original question was about rim color. Anyway since you asked the 1928 model 24 1st type(color scheme I guess) on the wheels is ocean blue hub and drum, black stripe on natural spokes, cream stripe on blue felloe. The 2nd type is the same except the blue is ocean blue medium. By the way if you need new inside door handles 'cause the old pot metal ones broke '32 Chevy roadsters used the exact same handle. 32 chevys are a little more popular these days than 28 Buicks so they are being reproed.


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Greg, I found a little more info on the paint scheme. You may know this already but it says in the parts book that the molding stripe on the hood, doors, etc. is painted as follows; 1st type "ocean blue, two cream stripes on black molding" . I think this means there is an ocean blue stripe in the middle, with cream stripes on either side and black stripes on either side of that. Five stripes all together. The 2nd type is the same just ocean blue medium. Also you might want to know that the ocean blue paint schemes are listed as " optional for export". Anyway I think it is gonna look pretty damn sharp.


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Thank your for the info on the molding stripes. Dupont Buick Color Bulletions No. 1 and 2 Dated November 15, 1930 just lists the stripe as cream. Do you know where I can find an example of this five stripe pattern to look at? I also have an unrelated question. Does your Master Parts list from 1914-1930 list the color of side curtains for a 1923-39 roadster? We have old black and white photos which make the curtains look black. Distinctly darker than the top. What does the manual say. Thank you for your help. P.S. I just had the hubs and fellows painted blue last week after working on the car 14 years, thus far, and they look great. I was hoping that the pinstripe on the wood wheels would be a different color than cream as cream would not stand out against the varnished wood. Very happy to read your post that they were black. Greg

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I think that "ocena blue, two cream stripes on black moulding" means that the hood color is ocean blue and the belt moulding is painted black with 2 cream stripes on it. That would be black, cream stripe, black center, cream stripe, black. I came to this conclusion after reading the descriptions on other models.

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Fred, I think your right. The first mention of the body color is just to identify the basic car color. If I am understanding you right... going from the top down it is black, cream, black, cream, and black. It is going to look like five stripes even though it is really two cream stripes on a black molding. When I was doing the research to paint my car I was able to remove the paint from a cheap repaint to reveal the original stripes underneath. Five stripes pretty much all the same size. My colors were just differant then Greg's.

I don't see any referance to side curtain color for '23-39. Do you? I would think they would match the top. The dust cover is olive drab. The top bow sockets are maroon and they cost $4.50 a side. What a hoot. The prices in this book just kill me!!


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I checked the Oakcrest book and the change from galv to black rims was 1927 when Buick changed from

Jaxon #23 to Jaxon #34 rims the difference was a cast bolt drive (#23) to a stamped drive (#34),

this happened in late 1926, so early 26's had galv rims and late had black painted rims. It seems that the wedges came in both galv and black for #23 and #34 rims, I think I will paint mine black for contrast with the n.o.s rims cad plated that I have for my 22-6-55 Sport Touring, I also have a set of

Tuarc steel disc for this car and uses a clamp ring fr the rim. I hope that answers your question.


22-6-55 Sport Touring

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