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Road trip to pick up the Woodie

Bill Stoneberg

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Finally after 3 long years, my 1950 Buick has wood on it and it is ready to pick up. It figures I have to go where it is cold and snowing to get the it.

But I am anxious to get it so hopefully I can take it back to Minnesota for the Nationals the summer.

Anyway OldTank and I are leaving Texas and headed for either Kansas City (hopefully) or Fargo ND (I hope not). From there over to the paint and body guy in Mobile to finish the paint. Then back to Texas in time to go to work on Monday.

If we can, we will post pictures once we get the car on our trailer.

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Guest sintid58

The way it sounds you can stay east of the snow most of the way if you get over to I-29 south of Sioux Falls SD, although they are supposed to get 6 to 8 inches of snow north of here in spots, the sun is supposed to come out and the temp is to be over freezing this afternoon. Tomorrow (Sunday) is supposed to bring more snow to the south but not real cold and hopefully you will be south of here before that front hits.

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Well, We picked up the car today. We didn't get all the way to Fargo but we weren't able to stay in Kansas City either. We have been behind all the nasty weather the whole way.

Yesterday we left Texas and it 100 degrees in the shop and 90 outside. So after replacing all 4 trailer tires we made it to Witchita Ks. Why is it that trailer tire get low use but they have high replacement rate ? Anytime you dont use a traler for a while you have to replace tires or suffer blowouts.

We got up this morning and it was damn cold outside. We also had a strong north wind that blew this big box I am dragging all over the road. We got a lottle under 10 mpg going east compared to 12 the day before Then we turned into the wind and averaged 7 - 8 on the next 30 gallon tank of Diesel fuel. We couldn't go into the wind without sucking it down.

Gary in the meantime drove through a nasty storm with my car on an open trailer. When we saw the car it is covered in slush stains and it has snow inside. He said it was the nastiest weather he had been in for while and that he will never do that again.

We met in Salone Iowa at the Indian casino. We unloaded the car and used a comealong to get it in to Willie's (OldTank) trailer. About this time an Security guard came along and told us to get off the property, we shouldn' e doing that behind their casino. We finished securing the car and left.

We are now in St. Joeseph Mo. and headed back to somplace warm tomorrow. Hopefully we will be in Mobile by Wednesday night and then home to Houston by Friday.

We are going to try to post a picture of the snow covered sign we saw (one of many) along the side of the freeway.

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Bill, sounds like you traveled some of the same roads I did this weekend. I wormed my way through 3 or more tornadoes and several tornado warning areas only to be hit with golf-ball size hail in K.C., and then 60-70 mph winds in the Flint Hills - which did not subside much all the way to Wichita. I didn't have an enclosed trailer like you, so I can only imagine how squirrely that thing must have been in the winds. I will say this, though, 58 Limiteds have some very strong sheetmetal and stainless trim. Not one dent to be found after the five minute absolute pounding, but I can't say the same for my poor Dodge truck.

Glad to hear the 50 is back, and post some pics when you get a chance, I'd sure like to see its progress!

Have fun,


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Guest imported_MrEarl

On the road again, ol' Bill and Willie's back on the road again...... grin.gif

Man is the weather always like that out that way. When I came out to South Dakota to pick up Dakota in the middle of summer we hit rain in Kansas City and was in rain all the way to Rapid City. Loaded the car up under the pavilion in front of the hotel, spent the night and it rained on us all the way back to Memphis Tenn. That was one long trip.

Hope you guys have a safe trip.Lookin forward to some pictures of the car and the sights. TAKE CARE

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This is Bill Talking, I am on Willie's computer cause mine died.

Lost another trailer tire yesterday, I think it had something to do with hitting the large piece of furniturein the road last night. Just a glancing blow but broke a light and dented the fender. Traveling at night in Tennessee can be dangerous.

Of course traveling during the day in Missouri is too as we heard a bang yesterday afternoon but couldn't figure out what it wa until we saw the bullet hole in the trailer.

I dont know who I pissed off with my driving but they shot the trailer.

We dropped the car off today outside of Mobile and will head back to Texas tomorrow. 3300 miles so far since Sunday, no rain no bad weather except for the wind and cold. Will post pictures when I get home.

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I dont know who I pissed off with my driving but they shot the trailer. </div></div>


That car is really giving you fits, huh? I don't know what the woodie did in it's former life, but Somebody doesn't want it to get finished.


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I am home now, lost another tire today. Now we have on 3 trailer tires and 1 chevy truck tire. Hit Houston traffic for the end of rush hour, I like pulling a trailer through traffic.

Tomorrow I take Willie and the trailer home and then come back to Houston. Then I will relax for a while. I will post pictures in a few days.

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You blokes sure do have exciting times over there don't you, rain, hail, snow, wind and LEAD!!!! Glad the shot didn't hit the Woodie, it might have been fatal.

Really glad to see things are progressing for you. From my own experience I know how satisfying it is to pull all those bits from under the bed and clear the big stuff out of the living room ( you know, dash boards and the like )and start putting them back on the car where they belong. "She who must be obeyed" also likes it when the car bits exit the house.

Good luck and am looking forward to the photos.

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The tires were Carlyle brand (made in USA) from Discount Tire. The previous tires were the same tread design but a different brand and they self-destructed at 4 years just like these. The tires we bought in Norman, OK are Nanking(sp) brand made in China. I bought the 'lifetime' warranty for this last set of Carlyle tires and recieved a full refund from Discount Tire (after some 'negotiating').


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Guest imported_Thriller

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Hit Houston traffic for the end of rush hour, I like pulling a trailer through traffic.</div></div>

I'm hoping that comment requieres a "sarcasm knife" to cut through it...that's the one thing I hate...it's fine if you never have to change lanes or anything, but the way drivers around here are, a signal is an indication for them to get in the way of where you want to go...I've seen that a few places.

Good to hear you got home relatively safely, tires and hole in trailer aside.

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