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Where to go in Florida!?

Mika Jaakkola

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Hi guys,

Finally, I'm going to Florida to meet my brother, who has lived there more than 10 years.

He also has my "new" 1964 Imperial LeBaron waiting for me there. (YES!!! grin.gif)

He lives in Zephyrhills near Tampa and I will be there 24th february till 10th march.

My other brother(who comes with us) is all they way interested on muscle cars etc but I really like to see something much older stuff.

Where do you guys think would be good places to visit?!??! Has AACA any activity there?


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Some people like Zephyrhills better than others here. They have an interesting car auction. Like most auctions more of the cars are ordinary than exciting, but there are usually some that are exciting. I saw a Duesenberg there one year. The flea market is very good sized but as with all flea markets the old car parts are drying up more and going to eBay more. That takes a lot of fun out of all the flea markets (swap meets out west) these days. But, the NOS parts can't last forever. I think there is a car show on Sunday but I've never stayed. I think you'll have a good time.

If you like tractors, stationary engines, old time buildings filled with oldtime stuff then there is a fabulous event the same weekend, not far away. They also have some antique cars attend and I'll probably bring one myself, since it is but 20 miles from my home. That is the fabulous show at Flywheelers Park near Ft. Meade, FL. The Flywheelers Club was able to purchase a large piece of ground and build their own park. Many of the buildings in the village were built with lumber cut from the trees on that land, so I understand. It is the HERSHEY of the farm tractor and stationary engine world. The village is fantastic and the crowd is huge. Lots of good USA Country Music and Blue Grass Music, too. So, that weekend you can rent a car and kill two birds with one stone "as we say down south". There is also a huge flea market, mostly with tractor parts, but with some good amount of car parts sprinkled in too.

"Come on down"

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Thanks Earl.

Mika has been inquiring about getting an American car(I should say, buy one) for some time now, a real innovative way to travel and tour our country. Looks like his brother got him a Chrysler for "Christmas". Congradulations Mika, you could have done worst. I won't expand on that for security reasons..."my security!!!" <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />


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You better plan on taking the better part of a full day to see the Garlits Collection. One of the nicest collections I've seen were education on the subject was the main feature. Unlike many collections if a clone or replication is on display it is clearly noted as such.

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