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New Bugle Editor


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The Buick Bugle has a new editor, Pete Phillips from Texas. Pete has been a member of the BCA since 1977, and is extremely knowledgable on Buick cars and history. He has several college degrees, but most importantly, a degree in Antique Auto Restoration from McPherson college in Kansas. He has also done a considerable amount of editing and writing on automotive subjects. He has served as Head judge, held various offices in the local chapters, and served as a board member of the BCA for several years. We wish you luck in your new endeavor. Paul Meyer, President, BCA

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Guest invicta592

Although I'm only a recent member, and have not received a vast amount of Bugle's to date, I would like to say, not only my congratulations and thank you to the new Editor, but also thanks to the previous encumbants who have taken on what appears to be a thankless job to date.

Thank you

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Guest 70 Electra

Huh? Hate to appear stupid, but what's up with this? I saw no other topics posted that explain what's going on here....just an out-of-the-blue message that Pete was going to be editor. (Congrats, by the way, Pete!)

Is Snowden and/or the Baker Press being booted-out by the BCA? Or is Pete going to be working for/with Baker Press?

I know there has been some heated discussion about errors/mistakes in the Bugle: is this the reason for change, or is it financial? Was this decision made at the recent BCA board meeting?

I would have thought there'd be some explanation of this news on the "BCA Events, Business, and News" section of this forum blush.gif

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Guest imported_MrEarl

Great to hear this news. I've always appreciated Pete's work with the BCA and this should be of great value and benefit to the club. Plus the ol' boy knows good Buicks. BTW Pete how is the resto on the 54 Roadmaster comin along? wink.gif

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Guest scott mich bca # 6619

Congrats. to Pete for stepping up to do this job. It will be no easy feat, however I know that Pete will do a great job.

My thanks also goes out to the BOD for finaly realizing that this issue was inportant.

Nothing against the last editor, there simply was too many mistakes.

Scott Mich

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What I have heard is Robert Snowden, Bugle Editor resigned from the position, and I don't have all the details, but Peter Phillips must have volunteered for the job, and he's also on the Board of Directors for the BCA, for another year. And Peter has been very aggressive in wanting this postion for years! Since his recent degree in Automotive Restoration and his background and desire to do great things for the Buick Community, we welcome him as our new Editor!

PS Now Peter, don't make any mistakes, cause we'll... Well, no we won't, good luck, and don't hesitate to ask for help! Anytime, anyday! Go for it!

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Just a thought,

I would like to thank Bob Snowden for doing what he could for the Bugle. As a newsletter editor for my Chapter I can empathize with Bob, for it is tough to come up with an error free publication on a quarterly basis, let alone on a monthly basis. Rosters are that much harder. I left my wife off two of ours and boy did she ever let me know about it. I can't even imagine the prospects of coordinating 9 thousands names in three searchable formats.

To Bob, I say THANKS for all you've done. And I mean that!!!

To Pete, I say welcome aboard and good luck.


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Guest my3buicks

I don't believe Bob had anything to do with this newest Roster, but I could be wrong. Errors and Editing mistakes aside, What I for one couldn't get him to do was to update info in a timely manner in the Bugle, such as address changes, Director changes, etc. To many promises of next month turned into months on end. On a personal note, I tried to get my information changed for the Greater Pittsburgh Area Chapter for over a year, it finally got changed this month, just in time for the a new Director - changes now are met with immediate emails from Pete - things will get done.

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From what I saw of Mr. Snowden (at a distance) and the early raves I heard (from several BCA Board members) about how responsive he was to various things--at least up until maybe last year--and "easy to work with", I suspect that something "unknown" must have happened for the situation to have gone south they way it did. We may never know, but that's history as we all look to the future.

I concur that Pete will do a great job and our North Texas Chapter is supportive of his venture in all respects (as we all concurred at our chapter meeting this past Saturday).

Willis Bell 20811

Chapter Director, North Texas Chapter of the South Central Region, BCA

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Was Bob Snowden a BCA member? I always thought he was owner or operator of the company that printed the Bugle and had no affiliation with Buicks, per se. I may very well be wrong but if that is the case then one can't blame him too much for editorial errors. It would be like asking me to edit Architectural Digest or Martha Stewart Living.

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From what I understand, Mr. Snowden resigned from the job of Bugle Editor, why we may never know. He is a busy mand and a very nice fellow, his heart was in it, but he had many other things with his Late Great Chevy group that he is majorly involved in. I know he loved learning about Buicks, and meeting all the great people, but time took it's toll on what he could do for the BCA! I think Peter will do a great job, he is articulate and concientius and knows Buicks and he will ask for help from all of us, if he needs it, I think! Good Luck to Robert in his future endeavors, Hello Peter, get to work <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/cool.gif" alt="" /> we are looking for great things from you and don't forget to ask for help or articles, or whatever! We are here for you too, just as you have volunteered your services to us!

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