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Tree runs into Buick

Guest imported_MrEarl

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Guest imported_Thriller

Hmm...'61 LeSabre...there might be a few parts I could use from that.

A friend had a tree grow up between the rad and the front bumper...he cut it off above and below the bumper when he needed to move the car...must have been about 4" diameter. On that one, removing the bumper would have enabled removing the tree.

One must begin to wonder if Lamar does anything other than cruising the Internet and his neighbourhood looking for Buicks and related stuff wink.gif

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Typical day for Lamar:

Get up, check the internet.

Shower, shave, get dressed, check the internet.

Drive to work, taking a new route each day, looking for Buicks parked behind houses, barns, mobile homes, in fields and in the woods.

Get to work, check internet.

Work, in between checking the internet and calling latest batch of numbers listed in the classifieds section.

Lunch break: drive around town, back alleys, side streets looking for Buicks.

Back from lunch: read classifieds in the newspaper he picked up on his lunch break.

After classifieds shopping, check internet.

From 1:45 until he goes home: work like hell, because the boss man's wondering about a couple of different projects.

5:00pm: Quitin' time! Drive home--different route from this morning--looking for Buicks.

Get home; Internet

Change clothes: go look at old Buicks at the Lamar Brown Retirement Farm for mid-'50s Buicks. Nope, elves haven't gotten any of them running, and no more strays have wandered in.

5:42-until dark: Chip mortar off of 7,000 used bricks for the Mother Of All Patio projects (necessary to keep wife from making Lamar sleep in one of his many Buicks).

Dark: Go in, wash up, check internet.

Jump in shower, get out, check internet for up-to-the-second listings.

Eat dinner.

Check Internet

Go to Bed.



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Yeah, um...well...something about people living in glass houses and stones forbids me from telling Lamar that!

Heck, at least when he spends time dragging another one home he's doing something car related--I pretty much just go out and look at my junk on the way to grabbing tools for a home project.


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Guest imported_MrEarl

Well if warden Rita will ever let me outa this honeydew patch I intend to do just that!!!!

But hey, moving that pile of 7,000 brick to the back yard is gonna make room for at least 2 more Buick rescues.....

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Guest invicta592

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Typical day for Lamar:

Get up, check the internet.

Shower, shave, get dressed, check the internet.

Drive to work, taking a new route each day, looking for Buicks parked behind houses, barns, mobile homes, in fields and in the woods.

Get to work, check internet.

Work, in between checking the internet and calling latest batch of numbers listed in the classifieds section.

Lunch break: drive around town, back alleys, side streets looking for Buicks.

Back from lunch: read classifieds in the newspaper he picked up on his lunch break.

After classifieds shopping, check internet.

From 1:45 until he goes home: work like hell, because the boss man's wondering about a couple of different projects.

5:00pm: Quitin' time! Drive home--different route from this morning--looking for Buicks.

Get home; Internet

Change clothes: go look at old Buicks at the Lamar Brown Retirement Farm for mid-'50s Buicks. Nope, elves haven't gotten any of them running, and no more strays have wandered in.

5:42-until dark: Chip mortar off of 7,000 used bricks for the Mother Of All Patio projects (necessary to keep wife from making Lamar sleep in one of his many Buicks).

Dark: Go in, wash up, check internet.

Jump in shower, get out, check internet for up-to-the-second listings.

Eat dinner.

Check Internet

Go to Bed.


-Brad </div></div>

Priceless... totally priceless....

sorry MrEarl grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

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Guest 1964 225 Roadster

Well, MrEarl, I got it figured out.

It's just that they remember those posts and pictures about Teri, Buttercup, and Fuzzy Navels -

and they are jealous!

It's that simple.

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Guest imported_Thriller

Thanks for the laughs Brad...oh man...I wish my life were a little more like that...if all goes well, I'll be retiring in the spring to do more with Buicks and fishing.

Shoot, the last time I heard about a Buick for sale (locally), a '29 McLaughlin followed me home grin.gif

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Guest invicta592

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">"Whyyy is everybody always pickin on me" </div></div>

Thought it was Charlie Brown that sang that, not Lamar???

Mebbe I'm mistaken... grin.gif

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Guest imported_MrEarl

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Brad,

Also, two weeks ago I thought it was 5000 bricks. Is he rescuing bricks now too? wink.gif


p.s. it was 108 degrees here Sunday so I think Mr. Earl would have done just what I did......Searched the internet. </div></div>

I've been rescuin bricks for more years than I been rescuin Buicks. Fact is that's how I got started collectin Buicks. One day Rita says, "Hon, I think we're gonna need some more bricks for the back yard. I coulda sworn she said "Buicks".....

And don't ever let the wifey lay out the new patio. Yea, two weeks ago it WAS only 5000 brick that I needed. After the concrete pad was poured I re-measure and guess what, apparently she had moved some stakes or someting. SO what did ol' Lemar do Sunday? Haul home and clean 2000 more friggin brick that's what. But hey it was only 94 degrees here. And guess where I found the brick....

You gueesed it

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Yeah, Lamar was doing a search for "Old Buicks" and slipped on the keyboard--up pops "Old Bricks" and Lamar's suddenly got all the justification in the world he needs to be spending more time looking on the internet! "Now honey, look here--I'm searching on Ebay for Bricks, see? And I think I might have found some." Oh, okay (she says, patting him on the head). "I'll head out there Saturday after lunch and take a look at what he has. It's only a few hours away."

Lamar finds a Buick in Georgia, and off he goes, trailer in tow--or is that Bricks in Georgia, and off he goes, trailer in tow? By the time he gets home late at night, Mama Bear is snug in bed, and the trailer--with its mysterious cargo--heads out to the back of the homestead under cover of darkness, where Lamar keeps his Bricks. And his Buicks. By the time he gets to bed, the collection has been added to--and that's all Mama Bear needs to know.


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