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Solution to high fuel prices


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Biodiesel plant being built near Denton, to supply that fine city with diesel fuel. I suspect they'd sell some of the excess . . . Otherwise, the next closest plant is supposed to be in the panhandle, near a cotton seed oil mill.

You forgot one thing . . . biological methane production. I'm sure the legume producers could benefit too. Just got to figure out the right "jetting" . . . as storage issues are already taken care of.



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Nope, I don't think the biomethane suggestion would work. frown.gif

Seems like most of the biomethane production is already committed to the Washington, D.C. area--especially around Capitol Hill. laugh.gif

If you don't think this is correct, just remember--smoking is now banned in all Federal buildings. Can't risk a stray spark causing a fire around all those politicians. blush.gif


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