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Roster Feedback

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As members, you will be receiving a new Roster from the Buick Club of America next Spring (2003). Some feedback is needed from the members (guidance so we do the right thing):<P>1. Print size. Baker Press has recommended that we increase the size of the print to make the Roster easier to read. Comments?<P>2. I would like to see a section added with members names in alphabetical order. Currently, to use the Roster you must know the State the member lives in or the car.<BR>Comments?<P>3. The Roster would replace one month's Bugle. The last time we printed the Roster, we replaced the May issue of the Bugle with the Roster. Comments?<P>You may use this "thread" or send me an e mail: Jeff1952@pacerglobal.com<P>Thank you.

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Bakers recommendation would add more pages to the roster, and I personnaly would rather see the space used for an alphabetical index. I think the May issue is as late as you should go ,as the club events pick up rapidly in the spring. I think March or April would be better. <P>Joe Taubitz<BR>BCA 1308<BR>BDE 001

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Guest 70 Electra

Jeff,<BR>Thanks for soliciting our feedback.<P>An alphabetical listing might be nice, if it didn't add too many pages (i.e. cost, weight) to the book.<P>Regarding size of type, I think it is fine the way it is. Larger type would make the book thicker and increase costs, right?<P>Question: Where should we send updates to name, phone, email, etc.? To Mike Book at main office, or to Bugle Press?

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Jeff,<BR>Type size is just fine. I am not that blind yet.<P>I would like to see the Alphabetical listing too, but only if it didn't make it too large.<P>May is too late, I would rather see the roster in December or January when the snow stops most all car shows.<P>I would also like to see a PDF file available on the web page for downloading. That would make it a lot better to search. <P>Thanks for soliciting input.

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Print size is fine.Once in a while I need to know someone's state but not often enough to add it if it increases the cost very much.

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Bill S., I'm still a little afraid of putting the roster on the web, we have talked about it quite a bit, it would very easy for someone to take it and use it for unwanted solicitation, so I'm not sure how to handle it, if anyone has any good ideas on how to keep the information secure, we would welcome those suggestions! Thanks Roberta

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Roberta,<BR>Unwanted solicitation ? Dont we get that already from our phone company, banks, credit cards, gas cards, health insurers and kids who want to sell us cookies ? <P>You have a valid concern, with technology, anyone could take that list and probably feed it into a program that will add you to a national mailing list for something. They could do it with the paper roster too, it would just be a lot harder.<P>Some suggestions are to password protect the site where the roster is kept. Publish the password in the Bugle to let people know what it is. The problem with this approach is that the person who wants it to sell you stuff could be a BCA member.<P>You could just make it available to people who send e-mail to the National Office requesting it. At least that way if it is used for solicitation, you have an idea of who sold out. <P>I think times have changed enough that I dont even want a paper copy. I would want to be able to search and print off the listings I want, sorted like I want. I probably am an exception but the only time I used my roster last year was to look up all the owners of similar car to mine. I then had to cross by name to an address to send them a letter. <P>My 2 cents, take it for what its worth.

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Why not have the option of recieving a printed version or a cd-rom. I do like the printed version to take with me when traveling although I never had to use it...could just take along a cd-rom and a laptop or print out names and numbers of BCA members along your route.<BR>Willie

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Bill, you have an idea there, that folks would have to contact the office to get the password, the would save on the "unwanted" being able to get to the database, also the CD copy is not a bad idea either, as they are getting relatively easy to reproduce, the only issue there would be to find a mutually compatible program that anyone could run off of an old or new computer, this database is huge! Cause it would/could include all the cars that each member owns and we know there are quite a few members with LOTs of cars! looking for more suggestions on these ideas, and maybe some database help to make it compatible for everyone! Thanks for all the feedback, so far, Roberta (BTW this is my last assignment from Jeff B!)

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Roberta,<BR>As far as a distributing it electronically, Adobe PDF is a good format for either the web or a CD. The Adobe reader is free to all and most publishers can produce an Adobe file. That would be smaller and a much better bet then a database. With a database, you would have to design an interface for people to use or a lot of people wouldn't be able to find what they need.<BR>A PDF formatted file, on the other hand, is like picking up the roster and reading it. It gives you a better search and printing capability. <BR>One last con of a database, it make it a LOT easier to import the information into a mass mail program.<BR>Why is this your last assignment ? Is it because Jeff 's term is expiring ? Or is it yours ?

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I've been completely satisfied with previous rosters. Might be nice to have a name listing that would point to a particular state and car (or something to that effect) so that the main listing would still be by state. Chapter/Regional Coordinators would need the listings by state more than anyone else, but the current state listings seem to work well to me anyway.<P>I beleive the current/past cross ref listings are by car model, which is good.<P>Some sort of electronic media is inevitable just as some will desire a printed item only (for people who might not have a computer or desire to operate one). In looking at parts catalogs and such on the web, the Adobe Reader can be slow if you desire to scroll thru a large number of pages, so a page listing of the main state listing (as mentioned above) might be an additional column in the name/car/location list.<P>Perhaps, the first roster could be on CD and then an update only CD could be issued each year with maybe a new master CD every five years or so. I also suspect that there will need to be a mix of print and electronic media for several years into the future in order to accomodate all members' preferences.<P>The key to that whole electronic media deal would be to have something that is searchable or indexed/shortcutted to from the main menu. Adobe Reader would probably be ok with the proper indexing and such. <P>The current restrictions on use would have to be continued and monitored, whether by password or individual requests to the BCA Office. I'm sure some security procedure can be agreed upon that will work.<P>Thanks for the inquiry, Jeff, and your help too, Roberta!<P>Willis<BR>NTX5467

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<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR> Why is this your last assignment ? Is it because Jeff 's term is expiring ? Or is it yours ?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE><BR>Jeff's is, I have one more year! <P>Will work on the PDF idea some, soon, Thanks RV

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Keep in mind that the BCA has a LARGE group that are not computer literate enough to take advantage of all the ideas posted here. If we start redistributing our costs by having too many options, we are defeating ourselves. frown.gif" border="0 <P>Joe Taubitz<P>BCA 1308<BR>BDE 001

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I think BCA should sell the roster to the members and keep doing the bugle 12 months a year and enclose the judges handbook in the roster for a fee unless you take a judging school at a national meet shocked.gif" border="0

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What about adding vendor's ads to the roster? would that be of interest? We might offset some costs of printing, and postage? also very interested in any other suggestions, Thanks for all the great response so far, we have time to make this the way the members want it! RV

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I agree with BOTH of Joe Taubitz's replys, regarding the print size and the alphabetical listings and he is correct a lot of members don't use a computer yet and might never. rolleyes.gif" border="0

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Guest John Chapman

Jeff,<P>I'd like to see the roster sent in a Tyvek mailer/ envelope. A number of them... mine included... arrived in pretty sad shape last time.<P>Thanks,<BR>John

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