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No Brag.... Just Fact!!!

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As I recall, when I received my letter notifying me that I had been rewarded my "Master Editor" award that it was somewhere around Christmas. I believe the final decision was made at the December AACA Board Meeting, whenever that is. Have any of you Editors yet received that relished invitation to attend the Annual Meeting in Philly to pick up your ME award? This is not an opportunity to brag.... just a statement of facts. Thanks....

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On Christmas Eve last year, I got 2 letters notifying me of winning the Master for the Brass-Nickel web page and my 1st ME for the Brass-Nickel newsletter. Now that was a Christmas present!!!

No news here yet. So far Santa has only dropped off Christmas cards, bills, and one steam tractor.

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In previous years, those announcements always seemed to come in right before Christmas, so we regarded them as early Christmas presents.

On a related note, over the past two years I've heard rumors that the annual meeting committee was thinking of giving out the Master Editor/Master Webmaster awards at the afternoon meeting (or some other alternate time) instead of at the Saturday banquet. Has anyone heard any more about this?

Jan K.

Wis Region

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Jan, I hope that's not true. I felt like a "King" that night walking up in front of all those major "car" winners, while my newsletter was displayed on the large screen display. There can be no feeling better than that to an AACA member. I hope others will still be able to experience that feeling. Wayne

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Guest snkchevcol

Just got back from the mail box and the postman was nice enough to leave me "The Letter" letting me know that I will be getting a Master Webmaster award for the second year in a row. Hope the postman gets by your house today to!


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Congratulations Rocky!!!

I'm happy to hear that you got "The Letter"!!! I have to agree with the previous posters that you should take your place on stage at the Awards Banquet to accept your award. If the Awards Banquet program has gotten too long, there are surely other awards that could be relegated to being presented at the Annual Meeting. The Master Editors & Webmasters deserve more recognition for their day to day efforts than those winning a one shot deal. I'm not trying to belittle the efforts of ANY award winner, I just feel that the Editors and Webmasters work year round for their awards and are more deserving of the spotlight on Saturday nite than those whose award came from a single effort.

If the AACA wants to shorten the program on Saturday night, search elsewhere to cut some awards. The Region & Chapter Editors & Webmasters are the people who keep this organization functioning and are due their recognition. A newsletter from ABC Region means a lot more to me than some person from Anytown, USA winning an award for his perfectly restored "Anymake"!!!

I could be wrong, but I think there are a lot more AACA members without Junior or Senior Award winning cars than there are who do. Please don't put more emphasis on the cars and neglect your people! Nuff said! crazy.gif

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I have to agree with you Ron...

I've never had the opportunity to be on stage for the ME award... but I sure want my fellow AACA editors friends that do receive the honor to be recognized appropriately at the National Awards Banquet.

For those with 12 monthly issues, a newsletter is due every four weeks..and I know for me it takes a minimum of 2 weeks and often more constant time in the evening to put an issue together from start to final printing, not counting all the bit and pieces done in between. Even for bi-monthly issues, it is a constant job to keep a newsletter fresh and interesting to insure that their members get a high quality product. It can nearly become a full time job.

I don't mean to lessen the worthiness of the National awards for cars. The owners of these cars put in a lot of work, time and money to get it to that national award winning condition. But most times the restoration job is done for the owner's own pleasure. Whereas an editor and a webmaster's continuous work and time sacrificed is done to benefit all of the members in their region. I think it would be a unfair to the master editors and master webmasters to have their awards relegated to a lesser presentation.

Just some thoughts..

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Allow me to toss out another idea here. I will be the first to admit that when I received my ME award that the awards portion of the banquet seemed to go on forever. I can understand that the AACA would like to see the banquet shortened but I don't think that it should result in the snubbing of its Editors or Webmasters. I don't think these people are any less important than the Region Presidents who receive a paid dinner on Friday nite. If the Region President can't attend, another Region member takes his or her place and consumes a free dinner.

If the Editors & Webmasters are to be excluded from the Awards Banquet, at least they should be compensated by a paid luncheon devoted to them. Time could be found on Saturday for such an event. I think AACA should take a good look at this situation and give their Editors & Webmasters the recognition they rightly deserve. Just my thoughts............... smirk.gif

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Hi all, I got a message from Bruce Wheeler today. His mailbox was empty as was mine. Well, I did have a few bills. <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" /> Then I got real nosy, so I called Judy in Clayton, NC and she didn't get anything today either. Judy said maybe they're only giving out one award this year to "Rocky". <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> You know these Directors just spoil all of us by sending these gifts out every year. I'm like a kid, I just want more and more. <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif" alt="" /> <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> Got presents to wrap. Merry Merry. Wayne

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Guest SalG (Sal Grenci)

I remember when I was in the hunt for an award. I could not wait for Jeannie to pass them our after the annual meeting. One year I did get it a little early, it was snowing and I was leaving for Long Island early and I talked her out of it.

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Guest snkchevcol

I couldn't believe that I am the only one to recieve "The Letter" yet with all the great Editors and Webmasters posting on here. I went back just to make sure I read what I read. The letter is from Dave Zimmerman and says that during the year the Publications committee reviews all the web sites and that my site (Roanoke Valley Region)would be receiving a national award. No it didn't say master webmaster outright, but I just assumed that is what it was because it is the only thing presented at the awards banquet for websites other than the Spark Plug Award and to my knowledge they don't give out that name until the night of the banquet. So yes I did receive a letter stating I was getting a national award, but again just assumed it was the master webmaster.

Like I said I am in big company with all the editors and webmasters that were winning these awards long before I came along, so maybe the editor and webmaster awards haven't been sent out. Either way I am getting something. I didn't mean to get all of you on pins and needles more than what you were, just was giving a heads up to the fact that I had gotten a letter stating an national award with my website.


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Hey, it's me coming back after an absence and also a change of computer (so I may be showing a new number of entries). Small correction to above - The Publications Committee does the newsletter reviews. A separate committee does the web site reviews. The National Awards Committee and Publications Committee meet on a specified weekend at Hershey, usually the first weekend to determine the recipients of the awards. The Web Site Committee does all of it's review on-line, i.e. review each web site then use email to communicate the findings with other committee members. That may explain some of the differences in mailing and receiving the "letters". Best wishes to you all and congrats to Rocky. Oh yes, I agree with the comments regarding when and where the Master Editor and Master Webmaster awards are presented. It should be at the Saturday night awards ceremony. I know it makes for a long evening, and I've been there every year for the last 20, and that is where the award should be made.

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Guest snkchevcol


Glad to see you back on here! I knew the publications committee did the newsletters, but I just thought they may have combined the two committees because my letter does say publications committee. Of course I don't do the newsletter so I know it has nothing to do with that. With as many letters as Dave has to send out it can become confusing when it comes time to write them as to which committe picked the award.


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Rocky, You're not a newsletter editor? Now, we're really confused. No, maybe we're all getting ahead of ourselves. We're assuming like I was that all editors follow our little world on the forum. Might not be the case at all. Anyway, since I haven't got the letter either, I now don't expect it. But, boy it sure was exciting. Every day I've been home for the last week, I've been keeping my eye out the window for the mail man. <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gif" alt="" /> <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> Just like a kid at Christmas. <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif" alt="" /> Hope to meet everyone at Philly, unless they send me a letter telling me not to come. <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/crazy.gif" alt="" /> <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/shocked.gif" alt="" /> <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> Wayne

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Hey Wayne... I agree with you and disagree with you, but first let me give a fond "Welcome Back" to Father Ron! laugh.gif

OK now, I agree with you on checking the mail for <span style="font-style: italic">"The Letter"</span> . Heck, my wife was going to check the mail at 9:00 this morning on her way to the malls and I wouldn't let her. I told her I would go to the Post Office after 10:30 when ALL the morning's mail had been sorted. smirk.gif No, even after waiting, my "Letter" wasn't there! frown.gif

I do disagree with you on giving up hope yet. With many great & deserving Editors such as yourself, Bruce, Jan, Judy, John and others being regular posters here on this DF, the only logical reason for not stating that any have received their "Letter" is that they HAVEN'T! ooo.gif I'm guessing (and hoping) that the "Letters" are just a little late this year. If you recall, a couple of weekends in a row the Northeast was hit with big snowstorms and may have postponed the meeting in Hershey. Don't give up yet. crazy.gif

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Thanks for keeping up the spirit Ron. But, now that another edition of The Northern Neck'n Auto News is due, I don't have time to worry about it. Just this morning the printer wouldn't work, so I'm inside bending a paperclip with a pair of my wife's house pliers to keep the print heads in place. <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/shocked.gif" alt="" /> It's best not to ask how "that" plastic part got broken. <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/crazy.gif" alt="" /> Anyway, it's printing again. Who said you had to get a computer geek to fix a printer. You can stay in Cincinatti now, Dave. <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> I haven't seen anything yet that duct tape, binder twine, or a pipe wrench won't fix. <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> What's that clanking noise? Hold on, I think something broke! <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" /> <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> Wayne

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Vern just called to tell me that I got an envelope from National AACA in today's mail. Normally he lets me open my own mail, but given the source, he knew that I wouldn't mind if he peeked. I'm glad he did, because it said that our website has received another Master Webmaster award.

Who else has gotten one of this "late" Christmas presents? There's got to be more of you out there!

Jan K.

Wis Region

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Congratulations Jan... a well deserved award.

Well.. thats two for the Webmaster award. Haven't seen anything mentioned about any Editor Awards. Anyone?

Of course every day that nothing is heard on the editor award gives me hope to look in the mailbox ( ha..yea..right..)

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Hey Jan,

Allow me to add my congratulations!!! smile.gif

Like Bruce, (and I'm sure the rest) I also remain hopeful of receiving the "letter". As I stated earlier, there are some Editors here on the DF who I certainly expect to receive a ME. Until some of you start announcing your receipt of "letters", I'll continue to look forward to opening my mailbox. crazy.gif

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Congratulations - for your award.

Now I am getting REALLY confused. What is Rocky's award for??. Janet Rickets is chairman of the Internet Committee and Sherman Carey is chairman of the Publications Committee. Dave Zimmerman is chairman of National Awards. Any speculations?? Must be Spark Plug!!

No news here.

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Hell-o to all the editors and webmasters,

I hope my letters really didn't get out in the mail too late. I work very long hours and tried my best to get them out in a timely manner. As for the letter from Dave Zimmerman that was written to Rocky, Ron B. is correct in his statement above. Rocky's letter from Dave Z. was to announce that he has been selected to receive an Annual Award at the Awards Banquet (the Spark Plug Award). The letter should have stated that he was selected by the Internet Committee for this Annual Award, not the Publications Committee.

The process is a little confusing in that the Internet Committee does the work and makes the selection, but the VP National Awards writes the letter to the recipient of the Spark Plug Award. I was not copied on the letter that went to Rocky; not having seen it, I am not sure exacttly what it said.

Rocky, however, did receive a letter from me stating that he was also selected as a Master Webmaster award winner for 2003 in addition to the Spark Plug Award.

The letters concerning the Master Webmaster Awards are sent out by the Internet Committee.

As far as the Master Editor Awards, Sherm Carey will be sending them out shortly. You have to give him a little slack because it is his first year in this position. I am sure you will be hearing from him soon.

I hope this clears up who does what.

There were 7 webmasters selected for the 2003 Master Webmaster Awards. Congratulations to all!

Janet R.

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Way to go, Rocky! The Spark Plug Award! That's a real honor. Bask in the glory for a while.....

As for me, I'm still trying to figure out how I managed to slip into the select group of Webmasters. Thanks for all your kind words on my win.

Jan K.

Wis Region

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Update on the Master Editor Awards,

Sherm Carey told me today that the letters are in the mail - so keep watching.

The newsletter editors and the webmasters are the backbone of AACA and your regions and chapters. You are truly the most valuable members in your club.

If the issue of time surfaces again concerning the length of the Awards Banquet, I do want to go down on record as saying that I am opposed to moving the awards presentation for editors and webmaster to another time slot during the Annual Meeting. To honor our members at the Annual Awards Banquet who give thanklessly of their time and talent to further AACA and the hobby is a small thank you.

You are much appreciated and I send my CONGRATULATIONS to all Editors and Webmasters in AACA.

Janet R. <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

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Guest snkchevcol


First congratulations on your Master Webmaster Award, it was well deserved as were all the rest of the award winners. As far as the Spark Plug Award it was a total shock to me once I figured out that I had won it. I should have known something when I got the letter from Mr. Zimmerman noting that I had won a National Award for the website and not referring to the Webmaster Award as I assumed it was. Then no one else received a letter which really got things confusing for everyone that had been looking for the letter in the mail. Of course yesterday when I received the letter from Janet it stated that I had also won the Spark Plug Award so thats when I finally realized that I would be getting the second award. Unless they started doing it this year, I didn't realize that the Spark Plug Award winner was notified before the Annual Meeting.

Anyway Congratulations again to everyone who received the award and good luck to all the newsletter editors.


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Thanks Janet. I've been gone for 4 days, but I've called home everyday to see if the wife has checked the "mail". She told me Tuesday if I ask that question one more time...... <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/crazy.gif" alt="" /> I was a little afraid to come home today. At least we'll all know the winners by the first of the week. I also appreciate your feelings on all the editors being awarded at the Award Dinner. The special occasion in Philly gives all of us the incentive to do better to get to the top. Happy New Year's Eve everyone. Wayne

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Nothing in the mail today, guys....Oh, It's a Holiday! <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/crazy.gif" alt="" /> Well, dang it, we're all waiting for some inportant letters here, Mr. Postman. You should make an exception in our case. I survived the New Year's Eve party without a hangover. Hey, I was in bed at 10:00 pm. Pretty, don't come easy, you know! <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> Everybody have a Happy New Year, and here's wishing for a prosperous one for everyone. Wayne

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After I finally gave up staring at the mailbox, I am pleased to announce that today that special letter came announcing that the Brass-Nickel newsletter has been awarded the Master's for 2003. This is indeed a great honor as the quality of newsletters and the competition gets better and tougher ever year.

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Guest BruceW


You deserve the award!

I got a call at work today from Di and she told me that I could stop checking the mail. Just let me say that as a meager first timer, I will feel honored to walk across the stage amid the newsletter giants as yourself.

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Like Judy , that special letter showed up in my box today too. This is an honor, and after seeing Judy's newsletter I know I still have more work to do to uphold the honor bestowed upon the Northern Neck Region. Wayne

PS Sorry Bruce, I missed your post and Congradulations. It's about time. <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

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This must be the day for good news! Vern just called to say the mailman brought us a nice letter too. The Beam has won the Master Editor again, so we'll go out on a high note.

Congratulations to all the winners! We're flattered to be included in such a talented group. We take nothing for granted, because every year the bar gets raised just a bit higher.

That reminds me. If you've been exchanging newsletters with us, you may want to send future issues to the new editors, Lars & Joan Anderson. Their mailing info will be in the January issue, which will go out later this month.

Jan K.

Wis Region

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Now I can say "I told you so!" as well as congratulations!!! grin.gif

If you scroll up in this thread you'll find my post where I stated that there are several of you that I honestly expected to receive the ME award. Well, Bruce, Judy, Wayne and Jan & Vern were all on my list!!! cool.gif I have a couple of others on my list but will wait and see if I am correct about them. smirk.gif

By the way, my mail comes to our PO box and the Post Office closes before I get home from work. My next chance to get mail is Wednesday when Pam has a day off. I really don't expect to receive "The Letter" because <span style="font-style: italic">The Rambler</span> has just kind of kept pace while the rest of you have kept improving your publications. This is part of the reason for my retirement. My creative drive has become exhausted and I need a break. crazy.gif

I may come back as Editor in the future and try again or maybe try my hand at a website. I'll stay in touch and, again, <span style="font-weight: bold">Congratulations to all Master Editors!!!</span> grin.gif

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Thank Ron. I've appreciated your support and receiving your newsletter each month. Oh, And the used oil you wanted? It's up to 2 trailer loads now(that's 14,000 gallons), hope you have some "BIG" drums...lots of them! <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> Wayne

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I'm pleased to report that I received the "letter" today also for the Chesapeake Bulletin. Congratulations to all and I look forward to joining you at the awards banquet! Ron, I disposed of 9 gallons of drain oil at the recycling center today. I could have topped off Wayne's 14K tanker with it on his way north! Oh well, perhaps I can catch the next delivery.

jnp grin.gif

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