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New AACA Executive Director


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Thanks everyone, I will post later, at a time that is appropriate and as things progress. I had knee surgery this morning and my typing skills and thought process seem to be a little diminished due to the morphine!

I am looking forward to working with Bill Smith over the ensuing months. We both want to assure everyone in AACA that the club will continue to move forward in the best interests of its' members. Personally, I strongly feel that I will work for each and everyone of you. One of the most important functions will be to make sure our headquarters team does everything possible to insure a GREAT membership experience for all.

I believe in communication and hope that you will share your thoughts with us. At present, the email address already given to you will work. Once I start my training with Bill, I promise you that you will have my new email address, home number and all other pertinient numbers.

I also wish to thank the members of the committee for their hard work during the selection process. I know there were many other deserving candidates who would have served AACA with distinction. I hope these candidates will contact me, as I would greatly appreciate their help and ideas. We ALL need to pull together to face the many challenges the club will face in years to come.

I am humbled by this appointment and can promise you that I will work as hard and as long as necessary, to help all of you enjoy your experience in this hobby and your membership in the world's greatest car club, AACA.

Thank you,

Steve Moskowitz

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Many of you folks know me personally. Many of you know me on the forum only.

Trust my observation. In lieu of your opportunity due to distance/residence to have had casual conversation with our new Executive Director. I have met Steve within recent months on a show field. Simply car-related, idle chatter. Rest assured, we have the right person to fill the shoes of one hell of a hard working/dedicated predecessor. The directors, in my opinion, had a very tough job and made the right decision that will benefit all of the membership for the future.

Welcome, Steve. Thank you, Bill.

Regards, Peter J.

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