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Did you vote today?

Guest SalG (Sal Grenci)

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I thought it originated in Boston during the administration of Mayor Curley. smile.gif hvs<P>How about some of you getting on the AACA ballot thread and giving a little input, or maybe NOBODY REALLY CARES about the AACA ballot. frown.gif I hope not. Howard

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Sal: My theory is Al Capone started it. Born in the NYC area, he gravitated to Chicago. May be wrong, but, there are too many similarities.<P>Seriously, glad to see the exercising of the vote process...Bush/Gore & AACA. Like Howard alluded, the process is not perfect, but...

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Bob ~ It appears that you may be right. I think I may throw up. I just hope I don't repeat the process in January when the AACA election results are in. Lets abolish the electoral college AND the "Vote for 7" rule.<P>Is it just possible that I may not be sick after all? confused.gif<p>[This message has been edited by hvs (edited 11-07-2000).]

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Yep. been there. exercised my right to veto my girlfriend's mother's vote!! wink.gif Needless to say, we don't discuss politics. I couldn't get my "I voted" sticker frown.gif they ran out. We had people waiting at 6am to vote and by 6:45am it was about a 45 min. waiting line.<p>[This message has been edited by novaman (edited 11-07-2000).]

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Can't believe we are watching the returns on the tube. A phone call had us switching to another channel to see the "score". WoW, had to switch to 2 more channels, 4 total if you are keeping track, and find Bush leading on 3 and Gore on 1. All by different margins. <P>I think there should be a law against these shows. Bar them all until after midnight, California time, and show old movies with lots of antique cars in them

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Yes, indeed. I've just got home after climbing up Beacon Hill from the Common where a bunch us old-timers gather every Election Night. We sit on the benches, sip our buttermilk, and sing: "Vote early and often for Curley"; and lament the passing of the good old days.<P><BR> <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by hvs:<BR><B>I thought it originated in Boston during the administration of Mayor Curley. smile.gif hvs<P>How about some of you getting on the AACA ballot thread and giving a little input, or maybe NOBODY REALLY CARES about the AACA ballot. frown.gif I hope not. Howard</B><HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>

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Hey Sal ~~ The rest of us will have to wait until tomorrow to find out the final outcome of the BIG ONE. shocked.gif<P>However, you already know that you will have 6 years of Hillary. rolleyes.gif<P>hvs <p>[This message has been edited by hvs (edited 11-08-2000).]

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Guest SalG (Sal Grenci)

rcirilli, In your part of Pa. the Bush and Gore people were probably looking for you to vote early and often. <BR>Ccar, Remember they are all using the exit polling data from the same company that the networks and AP pay for.<BR>hvs, Until the past few year I did not know any of the national officers, except Carl Boyd. I bought the Model T hack body from him. I always voted, I believe in the voting process. I have sent my best 7 in to WHSand staff.<BR>hvs, I personally know Rick Lazio, he is from West Islip, NY we went to the same HS (at different times) but my brother and I worked on his campaign for county legislator 12 years ago when he was a few years out of the DA's office and in the law firm of Glass, Lazio and Glass (office space was part of a boat yard, and now a paint store). I come from a political family, my uncle was the GOP leader in our town for 20 years. One problem was that he polled weak on Long Island, a GOP strong hold and his home turf, and the other was that in the Upstate area he tryed to give the Gov. Patacki line that the economy was OK, when it has lagged the Downstate economic, Wall St. lead boom. She also worked her butt off upstate.<BR>SalG<p>[This message has been edited by SalG (edited 11-08-2000).]

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SalG, I knew there was a reason for me moving south. Hillary reminded me. Things were in the process of getting cold then. Now it's froze over! Devil move over, Hillary is here. <BR>I can't believe New Yorkers voted her in. rolleyes.gifshocked.gif<BR>If anyone is wondering, I don't like her.<p>[This message has been edited by novaman (edited 11-08-2000).]

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You can learn to like Hillary if you put a little effort into it. And you might as well try; eight years from now she'll probably be your President.<P><BR> <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by novaman:<BR><B>SalG, I knew there was a reason for me moving south. Hillary reminded me. Things were in the process of getting cold then. Now it's froze over! Devil move over, Hillary is here. <BR>I can't believe New Yorkers voted her in. rolleyes.gifshocked.gif<BR>If anyone is wondering, I don't like her.<P>[This message has been edited by novaman (edited 11-08-2000).]</B><HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>

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Guest Hal Davis (MODEL A HAL)

Novaman<P>If the people of Mass. can keep re-electing Ted Kennedy, it doesn't surprise me that the people of NY would elect Hillary Clinton.<P>Gee, I wonder who all I just PO'd?

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When Bill Clinton got his new pet dog a few years ago, it left everyone wondering what he would do with his old dog. Now we know: he sent her to NY........ grin.gif

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Rick, <BR> The windy city has nothing on Florida , in fact I think we could teach them a few tricks.<P>The problem in Dade and Brevard countys happen<BR>at every election. Back in '91 a couple of writers found several boxes of ballots in a warehouse. They reported them to their editor who asked them to go back and pick up a few to back up their story. They did then <BR>told the DA and requested an investgation.<BR>Rather than trying to find out who printed the ballots and how they got in the warehouse the DA charged the two writers for having a few ballots. Take a guess who that DA was --<BR>Janet Reno.<P>Yesterday they found two boxes of ballots in Pinellas county that had not been counted. All the ballots were for Gore. HMMMMMM- one would think that there should be a few for Bush since the vote is about 50/50.<P>The people in Dade county claim that the voting was too complicated. After all you had to read the name, follow the arrow over to the circle, and punch a hole. I guess I expect too much but if you cannot follow those instructions your ballot should be thrown out.<P>The only hope is the absentee ballots from the service people. That statement should tick a few people off.<P>Tune in later-jac

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Rick, <BR> <BR> Do not worry. We have 150 white house lawyers in the state along with Jesse Jackson. Now is Sal will sent Al Sharpton down we could get the mess cleaned up in ~~<BR>well~~ maybe ~~ uh~~ two years.<P>later-jac<P>PS Coud you make that three years?

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Guest SalG (Sal Grenci)

jac, My brother helped save the life of the Rev. Al once. He is an NYC cop and was detailed to downtown Brooklyn and the Rev. was trying to get into a court house with a mob. Part of the Tawona Brawley scam. Someone lunged for him and my brother stopped the guy. The Rev. Al ran for Sen. a while back, and pulled a lot of votes.SalG

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Did anybody hear Ken Hamblin [aka known as The Black Avenger] on radio today. He said that anybody too stupid to understand the ballot and follow the arrows didn't deserve to be allowed to vote. Amen brother!!! frown.giffrown.gif<BR>

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For the benefit of anyone who might have misunderstood my post about Sal's brother who is a police officer. Where I come from police officers are often referred to as "public servants." In this case he did the public NO service by saving Al Sharpton's tail. smile.gifsmile.gif hvs

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Well, as they used to say in the movies "This is a fine mess you got us into Ollie". Who won? Will we ever know? Does anyone out there really care? Hey Hal, watch them get POed now. And shame on you SalG for joking that voting early and often is the way to do it. Looks like they were reading this thread in Florida, and maybe some other places. Voters in Misery even elected a dead man. Hoooo Boy! rolleyes.gif

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Guest Hal Davis (MODEL A HAL)

jac and hvs<P>This sounds like good justification for bringing back literacy tests to qualify one to register to vote.

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Hal~~~ We need something. As I said before<BR>It is just asking too much to require a person to read the names, follow the arrow to the circle and punch the circle. Many of the ballots had votes cast for two people in the same race. In the election four years ago approx 15,000 ballots were voided for people casting two votes for one office in this same county. No one complained then.<BR>later-jac

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I just found out what really happened with those ballots in Palm Beach. It comes to me from a reliable source on the scene. The very elderly became confused because they thought they were voting for JAMES Buchanan. <BR> confused.gif

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How come Bush voters didn't seem to have a problem reading the ballot? Did they all come up through the private schools that Al "Outlaw-The-Internal-Combustion-Engine" Gore has vilified through his campaign? Guess he really is threatened by them......... rolleyes.gif

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Guest elk93001

Following arrows on ballots. I hope these people don't drive, otherwise we might as well take down all the road signs with arrows on them. LOL

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hvs, please! Al Gore IS "no-class" warfare. Prep school and ivy league educations are for naught if you have serious character shortcomings. And is "the other guy" much different? Think about four years with Forest Gump in the White House. <p>[This message has been edited by ted schneider (edited 11-11-2000).]

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For those who enjoy political humor consdier this "If the Democrats had wanted Gore to be president, they should have voted for impeachment." from the WSJ 11-10.

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