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Big touring car??


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On 11/17/2023 at 4:31 PM, Fordy said:

The early advertisers nearly always shrunk the people to give the impression that the cars were larger than what they actually are.


Yes, certainly obvious in artwork, but this appears to be a photograph.  I don't think there is any cut-and-paste going on here.

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Those Wintons were rather large cars! A collector I sort-of knew about twenty years ago had a 1917 seven passenger touring car very similar to that. I saw it out on the road one time. And also stood next to it when I visited his shop on one occasion. He had a nice collection of brass and nickel era cars. One of the most beautiful 1913ish Cadillac opera coupes I ever saw! His collection numbered about thirty cars I would guess, ranging from a 1901 Knox to a couple early 1930s Classics. I recall Lincolns, Cadillacs, Locomobiles, and at least one Stutz. More unusual, I believe he had two Scripps Booth automobiles, one a V8.

It was an interesting collection, and the Winton fit right in!

Edited by wayne sheldon
I hate leaving typos! (see edit history)
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