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Issues titling and registering a former basket case 1920 Essex - Colorado


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I have recently finished a 1920 Essex that was purchased in 1987 as a basket case. I got a bill of sale from the owner (long since deceased) as there was no title. I attempted to title it, but the BOS has to be dated within the last 2 years. The procedure to get a title in Colorado is cumbersome. Is there any alternative? I'm sure others must have had similar problems.

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I have seen a company advertising called CarTitles.com , https://www.cartitles.com , they. claim to be able to get a title for a car in any state, I don’t know anything about them if they are legit or not. I have also heard you can get a bonded title then convert it to a regular title. I’m sure someone here on the forum has some more info on this subject.

Here in Georgia you don’t need a title for a car over 25 years. You can get one by taking the car to a tag/title office and they check the VIN number and issue a title, supposedly. 


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Each state has different registration/lost title rules. Each county in a state may have slightly different procedures. And each DMV office may have a different attitude towards registrations/lost titles.


You need to find a local auto title service company in your county. They usually have a good working relationship with the local DMV and know how to deal with your problem. 


Stay away from the  firms that offer to convert your no-title to an out-of-state title, which you can then take to your DMV. Several states now flatly refuse to honor those titles (they have ways of knowing how the title was generated). 


Better to deal locally with an auto tile firm or, failing that, a local attorney who knows what they are doing. You  may end up with a bonded title but you will be better off (and safer) in the end. 


It's the same old story. You get what you pay for. Try to cut corners and you could end up burned.

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Good luck with getting your car registered.


Just another example of why it is so important to get a title before you start to work on a car and put real money into it.


But, I'm not sure how they would register a complete basket case of that early a car.

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  • Peter Gariepy changed the title to Issues titling and registering a former basket case 1920 Essex - Colorado

I lived in Colorado for a number of years. I loved it (and miss it still). However it did have some interesting quirks - among them, their DMV.  You didn't say where you live, but it is important: The DMV offices in Denver - that are always very busy - are far less flexible than those in less populated areas. Take your paperwork and your story to an office in a small town not too far from where you live. Choose a time when it is not overly busy. Go in with a smile, and share your story. Worked for me, several times. Good luck. Let us know how it works out.


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  • 5 months later...

In case anyone is interested, here is the rest of the story. I contacted cartitles.com on 8/10 and for $300 they provided me with the State forms that are available online and that I already had. The first step was to get a Certified VIN Inspection by the State. The appointments were 6 weeks out. So, on 10/2 I took it in and for $50 got the inspection.  I contacted an appraisal service and for another $300 got it appraised (they came up with a valuation of $15,000). I contacted my insurance company (Grundy) and got a title bond (for twice the appraised value as required by CO) for $450. I turned in my paperwork on 11/16 and the told me I should hear back in a week or so. I hadn't heard anything, so I called DMV on 12/18 and was told they'd look into it and get back to me. I didn't hear anything, so I called them again today (1/17/24). This time they found that it had been approved on 11/19 and the letter was sent to me, and it apparently disappeared into the ether. They emailed me a copy and tomorrow I have an appointment with DMV to finally get my title. A title fee and then the license fee and then I may finally get my Horseless Carriage plate.

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Well that got kind of expensive. At least the process works and you're getting a title, that's the important thing. Thanks for the update. 

Edited by Hemi Joel (see edit history)
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