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31 and 32 Buick..... options


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What options were offered on Buicks in this period - especially the 90 series.  I'd like to know the manufacturer and then the dealer options.

Is there a list?  and if so, when was it released?




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The earliest I can find Buick advertising LOF safety glass is approx Feb 1932, which was well into the 1932 production year.

I learned that Buick didn't start production in September 1931 with safety glass as part of the spec design, but began including it later in the production cycle since it was becoming mainstream.

I am not able to find any safety glass references for the 1931 model year, even despite its extended production run into later 1931.


This add was circulated in 1932, and it appears the topic of importance of safety glass and the gravity of a woman's word were synonymous.




Any 1932 owners with a split rear bumper connector?


Apparently these are very rare/uncommon.



24feb1932 accessories.png

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Bob, That car is fanatastic.  Is the rear mirror actually curved? or is that a photographic artifact?

Any idea or info or photos of what the seat covers looked like? that's really interesting.

AND three different kinds of tire locks?


Thank you.  Tom

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Yes, the mirror you see in the 56S is curved.  I don't think this was a Buick option, but rather an aftermarket item.  It is mounted in the correct original mounting bracket.


Sorry, I don't have any info on the seat covers or the tire locks.









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