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This is a friendly reminder that the offering period for the partially restored special edition 1919 model 48 Locomobile Limousine produced for General Pershing and his staff in WW1 will end on Nov 1. Presently we have two offers for $17,000

This email notice has been sent all parties interested in the purchase of this vehicle as well as a select group of Locomobile owners who have expressed an interest in this sale

Email: Vmcfanntrust@gmail.com

Locomobile sale website:  https://1919pershinglocomobile.wordpress.com/


Thank you in advance for your offer,

Garret McFann


Edited by GARRET MCFANN (see edit history)
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14 minutes ago, 1937hd45 said:

SOUNDS VERY ODD...................................Should this post be REPORTED? 

There is a previous thread about the car - I think that it's just a case of someone going about a sale in a different way.  I agree though that I was not going to sign up for something on a link and had to go looking to find the previous thread.  

Edited by 3macboys (see edit history)
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I have been following this car (NOT closely!) for a few weeks. I wish I could have gone to look at it myself, it isn't all that far from me. But family needs keep being in the way. I also wish it would sell for better money (more!) because this is something I would have loved to have myself a decade or two ago (it would be easier for me to watch it from afar if the price was more beyond my means instead of almost could be done?). At my present stage in life, I simply cannot take on any serious projects (I have several project cars I need to get to work on already, and family problems that keep me from working on them most of the time!). 


I don't know the people myself, but have not seen anything to make me think it isn't legitimate. Properly restored, it would be a very special vehicle! Albeit one that would not appeal to everyone. Its military parentage might limit its acceptability to some shows and clubs? And it may not hurt it at all? I don't know. Regardless, it is a Locomobile! And would probably be an incredible and impressive tour car! As well as an incredible piece of history!


That is my opinion.

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29 minutes ago, GARRET MCFANN said:

Sorry , I screwed up. Here is the correct link: https://1919pershinglocomobile.wordpress.com/


No worries. I do wish I could be in the market for it myself. But I cannot. Good luck with the sale, and I do hope the car gets a good home that will restore it properly! It is an incredible piece, and should be seen and heard with stories about its sister cars overseas. 

I have a small collection of "World War One" (more properly called the "Great War" because that was what it was called in its day) memorabilia, including two nearly complete uniforms. This stuff is important. 

Simply wonderful!

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