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All-Electric Crate Power Train?


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With the rural broadband portion of the new infrastructure bill we will enter the cashless society and every transaction will taxed appropriately at the point of the exchange. Actually, OBD3 would be capable of charged road usage tax even if you used  solar panel to power your car.


One big incident to demonize cash is all it will take. That will have a great impact on the car hobby as it functions today as well.

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Anything to push us to a cashless society is probably the biggest goal.  Then the Gov't will have total control over money.  That should scare everyone.  Current nominee Saule Omarova  has stated this would be a great end goal.  I'm not talking about people trying to skirt taxes by not reporting profit on sales of cash items.  Think if they control everything to the point of how much of your money you can access and quite possibly wether you will qualify for a loan.  This should scare either side because it could be used by either to destroy businesses and with technology maybe even your ability to buy something as simple as gas.  If they cut your credit limit off for any number of reasons that have nothing to do with your ability to pay your bills or what kind of a credit risk you are.  Even how long they allow it to take for funds to clear into your bank to use.


 Just think if you don't have alot in savings and have a big bill come due and plan on using money to pay it you have earned but haven't cleared yet.  Normally you have plenty of time for them to clear but say they hang them up for an unexplained reason, now you are late.  Doesn't take long for a few of those moments to sink a ship. 


I already use a credit card for most of my purchases as it's easier for business purposes so I'm not anti Card or for a cash only society,  I just think people should have the right to use which they prefer and best suits them.


Reference for my sources above (as I'm always hounded for sources,  that a simple google search can show)



Yup it's a Right leaning news company that has ties to Taiwan and speaks out against the Chinese Gov't so I'm pretty sure it's independent of them as the Chinese Gov't doesn't allow people speaking,  much less posting bad things about them. 







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1 hour ago, 60FlatTop said:

. . . Actually, OBD3 would be capable of charged road usage tax even if you used  solar panel to power your car. . .

Current ODB2 includes odometer though not as one of the minimally required parameters. California has mandated that as of, if I recall correctly, 2020 the odometer parameter is required. I strongly suspect that manufacturers will simply make it a standard parameter for all US markets as there really isn’t a reason not to.


If all those new EVs are simply required to have a safety check every couple of years where the mileage is checked then taxing based on miles driven (and weight) would be pretty straight forward. No requirement for GPS tracking. No requirement for cashless transactions. Doesn’t matter where or when the car is charged.


For PHEV and ICE cars, there is another ODB2 parameter for fuel consumed. You could do the same periodic odometer check on them to determine road tax and use the fuel consumed to credit for tax paid already at the pump.


Since non-weather related road wear is based on vehicle speed, mileage and weight you have a pretty good measurement for how much tax to charge on the registration. Might want to give an option to make monthly payments to avoid once a year “sticker shock”.

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Good link and only a few days old. One would have to be very narrow minded to think this kind of thing and many other regulations do not directly affect this old car hobby.


To stay on the topic, I have written that I am not opposed to electric cars or the conversion of one of my cars to electric or its replacement. But to regulate me into the technology, even to regulate my 100 year old technology will be some real gyrations of foolishness.


A few years ago I talked with an influential person in the railroad industry. He had been asked to help regulators create guidelines for high speed rail. Shortly into the discussion he had to explain to the regulation writers what an at grade crossing was. Pretty sure the same 500 people are working on antique cars. They certainly aren't the 500 people whom bought new 1953 Cadillac Eldorados.

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