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Pierce-Arrow Website Updated Dramatically

Peter Gariepy

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2 hours ago, Peter Gariepy said:


The correct link for the Pierce-Arrow Society is www.pierce-arrow.org   that's .ORG


(pierce-arrow.com is the Sandoros' Buffalo Museum of Transportation)


Thanks very much for all your work on the new site, Peter!


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11 hours ago, Peter Gariepy said:


I enjoyed it!

and from another thread of yours:


Remarkable opportunity for the right person.  (Hell, even the wrong person!) 😃


  • Know cars?
  • Know the car hobby?
  • Can work crazy hours?  24 hrs a day, 7 days a week I mean.
  • Technically savvy? (or at least moderately savvy)
  • Have thick skin? (I'm mean really thick skin, skull too!)
  • Don't mind doing an insane amount of work and letting others get all the credit?
  • OK being the target of ridicule and anger over virtually nothing?
  • Know how to go around in circles over and over again. 
  • Do the right thing and be ok being labeled "the bad guy!"
  • And the most important... don't mind working for free!


Become an AACA Moderator!



You are an IT guy... that much abuse and you enjoy it?


Just a little fun, I love the new PAS forum and very much appreciate everything you do here. I thought about this moderator thing but I don’t think I am up to the challenge, to dammed opinionated.


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12 hours ago, Peter Gariepy said:


I enjoyed it!



It's well done! Thanks!.............It's hard to believe I have ben a member there since day one..............I'm getting old.

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On 4/3/2020 at 5:22 AM, Mark Wetherbee said:

and from another thread of yours:


Remarkable opportunity for the right person.  (Hell, even the wrong person!) 😃


  • Know cars?
  • Know the car hobby?
  • Can work crazy hours?  24 hrs a day, 7 days a week I mean.
  • Technically savvy? (or at least moderately savvy)
  • Have thick skin? (I'm mean really thick skin, skull too!)
  • Don't mind doing an insane amount of work and letting others get all the credit?
  • OK being the target of ridicule and anger over virtually nothing?
  • Know how to go around in circles over and over again. 
  • Do the right thing and be ok being labeled "the bad guy!"
  • And the most important... don't mind working for free!


Become an AACA Moderator!



You are an IT guy... that much abuse and you enjoy it?


Just a little fun, I love the new PAS forum and very much appreciate everything you do here. I thought about this moderator thing but I don’t think I am up to the challenge, to dammed opinionated.



I'm an IT guy but not a web guy by any means.

I can design and oversee the build of a new datacenter and run racks of VMware, Active Directory and Exchange servers but I have never really dabbled in the web side of things.

I definitely tip my hat to the guys that can design, implement and manage web hosted stuff.

As it is I cringe when our SharePoint server needs changes.


The new site is great!

Thanks for all the hard work to make it happen.

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I have great respect for every IT guy I have ever known (including brother #1 on most days) whether it be the rack & hardware guy, or the software flashy visible one. I did a semester of work between a tech school and engineering college at Digital Equipment Company in the 80’s, but that was a mechanical design position and had little to really do with the technology of computers... I was using a very early CAD software and although it was very advanced at the time I still thank god for the IT people who improved that software to what it has become. 

The new website is leaps and bounds better than the last version and I think Peter did an absolutely amazing job on it, as well as the IT...

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