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Whither "oldcar"?


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I have been a member of the forum for a few years, now.  While I don't post much (my main interest is older British sports cars, specifically MG), I do stop in regularly and enjoy many aspects of this forum...the discussions, cars for sale, restoration projects, etc.  One of the members whose exploits I have followed, as have many others, is a gentleman from Australia named Bernie, whose handle is "oldcar".  A truly amazing person, he has done some serious restorations and the exploits of he, his wife, and their Lagonda Rapier  were great reading.  Not being very mechanically inclined, I took inspiration from oldcar's postings, figuring if he could do some of the things he does on his open carport, I should be able to do some things in my closed garage with a proper set of Whitworth tools (I have a 1950 MG TD).  To my great surprise, I have been able to do things I wpuld not have attempted years ago.


The other day I visited the forum and found, to my surprise that oldcar's two threads, one on his Lagonda Rapier and one on his recreation of a Singer speedster, had disappeared.  I do recall that he did receive a rather snarky post following his continuing grumpiness over the Australian Border Security Force and the hoops he had to go through to bring his Lagonda back from Europe (every few years, he and his wife ship the Lagonda to Europe, drive around for a few months, and then ship back to Australia).  I sincerely hope that this does not become the norm for behavior (extreme snarkiness) on this forum and I sincerely hope that oldcar will reconsider being a member if, indeed, he removed his threads.


Perhaps the mods could inform us of what happened.


Thanks, and Safety Fast!




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I witnessed in real time decision Bernie made to delete his fascinating, informative, voluminous contributions. There is an enormous amount of stress being inflicted on our Australian sisters and brothers currently, as the whole world understands. Battle fatigue would not be an overstatement. Combined with poor Bernie's last dream being shattered, perhaps his reaction can be understood. I again would like to suggest that no member take things too seriously around here, and please refrain from generating public personal attacks and criticism. Many of us regard this wonderful universe of helpful people as a peaceful escape from personal problems, some quite severe.     Thank you all,     -    Carl 

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I had no idea. Bernie's a good-natured fellow, and after that post you referenced I posted a comment re:asbestos and how he sailed through that aspect of it, and he responded. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary.


Lagonda Rapiers - Page 37 - British (MG, Triumph, Jaguar, etc.) - Antique Automobile Club of America - Discussion Forums, forums.aaca.org

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Yes, I had seen your response, Mike. I seem to remember this taking place in the early A.M., our time on the West Coast. Bernie has had a tough time of it recently. Though the fires certainly put things in perspective, the horror really does pile on.   -   Carl 

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Mike, Carl,


Thanks for your information.  Having lived through hurricanes (South Louisiana), blizzards (Great Lakes region), and now fires and earthquakes (Northern California), it is extremely stressful when your life becomes a disaster movie.  The necessita of keeping disaster supplies in the basement and your "go kits" in the garage seems unreal. Last October, we evacuated twice...once for a few hours (great response by local fore dept) and once for five days (Kincaide Fire...saw it start from our deck). I certainly hope that our Australian brothers and sisters come thorough to the other side of this disaster soon.  For "oldcar" in particular, I hope he reconsiders and rejoins the forum.  Otherwise he will be sorely missed.


Safety Fast!

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Bernie is  unique and a true car guy. He had his ways set, which is just fine by me. I very much appreciated that he liked his Lagonda, and waved the flag for them......without apology or reservation. There are few people like that today. Someone who didn’t like his style commented and offended him, which is too bad. As I am certain he is a much better mechanic, and hard worker than the brainless twit who upset him. I hope he returns soon. Ed

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o.c.f., I certainly hope you get your visit with Bernie before either on of you puts boot to bucket. 


2 hours ago, edinmass said:

Bernie is  unique and a true car guy. He had his ways set, which is just fine by me. I very much appreciated that he liked his Lagonda, and waved the flag for them......without apology or reservation. There are few people like that today. Someone who didn’t like his style commented and offended him, which is too bad. As I am certain he is a much better mechanic, and hard worker than the brainless twit who upset him. I hope he returns soon. Ed


The forum member who insulted him has been here for a long time. He is indeed a fine mechanic, and an EXTREMELY hard worker. O.K., sure, he can be abrasive at times, yeah, but so can others here. I would like to think we can roll with punches like that. I emphatically reinforce admonition against any personal attacks here. While I am not making excuses for an occasional lapse in decorum, these are overwhelming times, Australia being hard hit. The offending mechanic raises cattle way down yonder, hard to imagine his state of mind. Combine that with a slight tendency towards being confrontational, ( to whom it may concern please count to ten or twenty, take a deep breath, and try to control yourself - no one has to respond until they cool off here), and you can see why he went off the rails. Two sensitive guys in trying times. Very sorry to see what happened.    -   Carl 


P.S. I have posted further comments in a topic below under Dodge Trucks. Titled "Steering Arm Removal - Help Needed"

Edited by C Carl (see edit history)
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