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Hershey Car Corral Location


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I know Hershey is geting bigger every year but as someone who had sold cars in the car corral in the past, I was very upset with the corral location this year. It was almost not even a part of the show anymore. It seems that the corral is not really welcomed anymore by Hershey by placing it so far away from the main event. This is what I heard from others in the car corral. And then only one pick up and drop off location located at the end of the field. Why not multitple bus stops and more buses?

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I agree with your observations about the car corral location. It was not good. I would rather see some of the motor homes located out away from the center of the meet, and move the car corral back to the area where most of the activity is--but they are going to do what they want.

Pete Phillips

Ector, Texas

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Gents, I have to stick my 2 cents in here.

In all fairness to the Hershey Region, they "busted their humps" this year negotiating with HERCO (of whom, owns the property) and doing an awful lot of last minute arrangements. If you take the time to go back to posts in early September, you will see that Hershey Region did the best with what they had.

In all fairness to you gents, you do not live close by Hershey. Personally, my answer to your comments are: "The Earthmover engines were still warm, the asphalt spreader engines were still warm, and, the big "new" building you may have noticed in the green field cropped up since last year, all of which, HERCO owns/planned. The Hershey Region had to work around all of this to make it a great event.

They start working now to plan the 2003 event. Have confidence, as I do, that Hershey Region, and, all sponsoring Regions/Chapters for that matter, review, analyze, and improve each area for the future.

Regards, Peter J.

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Hershey has gotten way too big to waste time waiting for any bus to get around the place (unless you're simply trying to get back to your own vehicle), and I don't have the luxury of taking an entire week off to attend the event.

So, if you're not willing to wait for the bus, the only alternative this year was to drive to that darned outlet mall and get socked another $10 for parking. Now, I didn't mind paying $10 a day to park on pavement during the week (close to the swap meet fields), but charging the same amount for parking in an understaffed "swamp" across the highway from the arean on show day was a rip-off.

It was obvious that things are still in transition as construction is wrapping up, but - except for that one long stretch of the car corral along a service road - it was much easier to navigate the meet last year. They should have stuck to the layout I saw somewhere on this site last summer - where the car corral would have been held at the stadium, closer to the swap meet fields.

I know organizing and planning this event is hard work, but if things don't improve next year, I'll be spending more time (and $$$) at Carlisle and less at Hershey. There might not be many people posting this same perspective, but based on conversations I had with sellers and buyers, many are thinking the same way.

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Guest SalG (Sal Grenci)

One must remember that those campers pay a good stack of bills to HERCO and the $10 day parking is also collected by HERCO. Most of the large tracks of open land in the area are owned by HERCO, Hershey Foods, Hershey Estates, or the Hershey Trust. Get the idea. I remember hearing that HERCO charges $50,000 for EMS service. They see the show as a money maker, we see it as a hobby.

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I see your point. I don't live close by so I guess I don't really know the entire situation. The AACA does a very good job year after year and it gets harder all the time because the show is growing every year. I know that they originally wanted the car corral by the Giant Center but the only until Friday. That won't work because Saturday is a key day. Congrats to all who worked the event.

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Quote by Anonymous above, "I know organizing and planning this event is hard work, but if things don't improve next year, I'll be spending more time (and $$$) at Carlisle and less at Hershey."

Rumor has it that Ebay has purchased Carlisle Productions on Oct 5 this year. If this is true you will see many changes some of which might not be all that good. Another rumor is that a $500 transfer tax will now be assessed when selling your spaces of which means prices will have to go up. This has a potential to drive many vendors away. Stay tuned!

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If you had parked in the KMart parking lot then you would not have been charged and the shuttle would have picked you up. I stayed at a hotel near there and caught the shuttle there and got around the meet quite nicely. I do agree however, that the motorhomes could have been out of the arena parking lot and then the car corral could have been there. There seemed to quite a lot of room in the Car Show lot as a number of exhibitors probably were scared off by the rain. Also, this probably would have not been an issue if it had not began raining on thursday at 1pm. I have not been to Hershey since 2000 and was quite impressed by the amount of it that was on pavement. It was a welcome sight. I know that I am going back next year.

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Inside information wink.gif also has it that the event colloquially known as "Hershey" will no longer necessarily be held in that town. It will be a travelling event located year to year in whatever drought-stricken part of North America is the highest bidder for its services as a proven rain-maker. Vendors will no longer pay for their space but will be paid (on a sliding scale: literature sellers will receive a 250% premium) to come and set up.

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Getting back to the original question, I would have preferred to see the car corral by Giant Center where the campers were. I didn't feel like waiting for a bus so I walked to the Outlet Shops to see the cars for sale and it was a hike. I'm sure Hershey Region was operating under some type of constraint from Herco, but the car corral just didn't seem part of the whole event being so physically and visually removed. Hershey Region will have a year to come up with alternatives for next year, so we'll see what happens. Don't take this as a complaint since a rainy day at Hershey is still better than a sunny day at Carlisle or Englishtown and I'll still go no matter where the car corral ends up.

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As a hostage to a desk (60+ hours per week), I gotta tell ya, KWITCHERBITCHIN!!!!! A rainy day at Hershey beats the dripping SNOT out of a day in the office 360 days per year!!!!!! I live for the times. Thursday, walking through the rain was almost EUPHORIA! Where the heck else can you be totally SURROUNDED by anything and everything that you or somebody else could ever want????? I stood in the rain to pay for ignition parts for a friend's '11 Maxwell that he SWORE didn't exist anymore so that he could "fire up and drive" a car that was dormant for 3 years, and it didn't cost diddly compared the thrill that I saw in his face when he realized I'd found his parts. Stop and think about how jaded you must be to complain about being in "heaven". I have a saying "It could be raining silver dollars and some people would just be pissing and moaning that they were hurting their head".

Get a grip!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I had a dream last night that I won a multi-million dollar lottery jackpot. I used a portion of the after-tax proceeds to buy a large parcel of farmland just north of Hershey (out of the reach of HERCO), and I had all the buildings levelled and the land graded to drain properly (no "mud holes"). Then I donated it all to the AACA with the stipulation that it forever be used as a new permanent home for their "former" Hershey events.

Well, it could happen!

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Darn it...another Anonymous. I will waste time answering anyway, as I am not hiding my identity.

You directed your "Here! Here! to my post. Why, I do not know. If you would take the time to go back and re-read my post, it, defended the efforts that go into making the Fall Hershey a "tradition".

Take time before you click the 'ole keyboard.

Regards, Peter J.

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