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Two 1924 philco glass diamond grid "A" storage batteries for sale very rare


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These 2 batteries are fully intact no cracks in the glass and are extremely rare. I have done a Google search on these batteries and have come up with nothing, all I can find on these batteries are the printed ads back in 1924 that are selling on eBay. I also think the batteries will still work I haven't tried, but is there somebody out there that can give me more information on these batteries and what they could possibly be worth?  I have brought them  to a couple antique shops And they said they are very rare and that they had never seen them before and that they could not put a price on them. Can somebody please help me out also I am accepting offers. Thanks 







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Rare does not always mean its worth a fortune.  If there is little interest in an object then it’s just not going to bring much money regardless of the rarity.  An antique radio club or shortwave radio group might be able to help with a price.  I’m a retired electronics person and I think they are interesting but personally I have more interest in the Delco Light items as they have a lot more historical significance.


Good luck!


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Extremely unlikely they "work". They likely can be shipped if you well drain any liquid in them. Since they are functionally useless they are valuable only as an artifact of the early stage of radio with a limited market. EBay will be your best indicator of value. I wouldn't expect too much $................Bob

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I think they are neat. I don't know anything much about them. The key thing for you to remember is that these are not automotive so you would probably find your best value elsewhere. The best idea I can give you is to list them on ebay with a few photos, and clear description listing as "Philco Diamond Grid Type UX 54 glass case battery". There is probably someone out there who would be interested in them an would more likely find them on ebay. That would likely be the best way to get the most out of them. I have no idea if they will sell for $20 or $200 or more. The start them as low as you are willing to sell them and maybe you will find two people to bid them up beyond your wildest dreams, or maybe not. The only way to see is to list them. 

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In my experience Radioana fans are much like a lot of Model T fans........rabid but.........frugal....... :rolleyes:

Those are A batteries, the low voltage source for the tube filaments.

There are a few pictured at the link >>> https://www.google.com/search?q=philco+radio+glass+batteries&client=opera&hs=DZ&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjQ3e-f7uvcAhWh7YMKHeRyChIQsAR6BAgCEAE&biw=1536&bih=728#imgrc=_


I had a Sears Roebuck Thermiodyne TF6 radio JUST like the one at the link.



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