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Electric auto sidelights


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These electric sidelights feature a lamp size of 2.75" X 2.625" and an OAH of 6". The mounting holes are spaced 1.25" apart. The mounting brackets are brass. The lamps are nickel plated and overpainted black.


The bulb sockets are placed loose inside housing. What is the application?





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I hate to be contrary, but I don't believe those are 1920 Studebaker coach (sedan) lamps. I certainly can't find any pics via search that would confirm that. Heck, I can hardly even find any pics of a 1920 Stude coach.


The style of the lamps would indicate earlier than 1920 to me unless they were on something like a hearse.

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Grandpa, thanks for that pic. It is unlike any other 1920 Studebaker coach picture I could locate.


Seems during this timeframe, Studebaker made a Light Six, a Special Six, and a Big Six, with only the Light Six using a radiator that looked like the one in your pic (the other two rads were more rounded at the top). And in general, the headlights on the Special and Big Sixes were quite different than the ones shown in your pic.


But if I blow up the RH sidelight from your pic (wish the pic was larger/sharper!), here's what I see:




Seemingly three panes of glass, which shouldn't be possible if the lamp were square. Also, the OP's lamps only have glass on only two sides (at least that what it looks like to me). I admit this could be a picture problem rendering my assumptions inaccurate.


So I remain contrary and, alas, unconvinced... 

Where's a Studebaker expert when we need one?

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