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Auction: AACA Member

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I normally would not post this here but I am trying to help out the daughter of Stan.  Stanley Groy was a lifetime car hobbyist with a incredible collection of memorabilia.  Much has been sold already but the big stuff and cars will be auctioned off.  Stan was a cherished member of the Hershey Region and AACA.  A dear friend to many of us and sorely missed.  Into his 90's he was still working on his cars. 

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Stan was a great guy and I'll always treasure the time we spent talking about our collections.  I'll never forget the time I scooped him though on a nice piece on the way to the first National Meet in Paris Texas.  He and Roy Graden had traveled together cross country, hitting every antique shop they could find.  I flew and met up with Doug Drake in Dallas, then we rented a car and drove to Paris together.  Doug was not an antique shop guy, and it was quite a while anyway before we got into open country, but as we came into the small town of Paris, I couldn't resist the chance to catch an antique shop right on the town square.  In that shop, which had been pretty well picked over, I was almost ready to declare it a bust, when sitting there by the cash register was a small table lamp.  The base on the lamp had a Pierce Arrow Archer mascot attached to it.  It was cheap!   Well, turns out our hotel room was right next door to Stan and Roy, and they were waiting anxiously to show me their discoveries.  There on the dresser in the room was a selection of oil cans, postcards, and a few other trinkets.  Stan remarked that it's too bad I flew and had to fly over all those antique shops.  I then pulled the Pierce Arrow Archer out of the bag and told him I was disappointed I could only find one item - on the way to the hotel.  He was absolutely floored.  Stan and I joked a lot about that over the years, and I know he is disappointed he never got to see my collection of collections.  But, Stan saw pics, and knows that he was one of a few guys who really enjoyed the thrill of the hunt and the joy of discovery.  I'm sorry I won't be there for the auction, but I'd just rather remember the stuff and the gentleman as they were.  He was a fine man.


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Does anybody have any history or knowledge of the 14 Overland?

I may be attending this sale and certainly like the looks of that car.

Really waiting for a more complete auction listing to decide whether to make the trip.



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