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The Perfect Gift


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Last Christmas, my daughter told me that my gift was coming but hadn't yet arrived. Yesterday she comes over with a large package in hand. I tear the box open expecting to see a car cover or decorative throw. Inside, to my surprise was the perfect gift! But first, I must digress.

   Since 1963, when the first one came out, my passion had been collecting and assembling Monogram's 1/8 scale model cars. I made sure to obtain every one of these yearly released gems, even to the point of having model cases, hand built to display them when finished. Unfortunately the frame cracked on one I was particularly fond of, and no lasting repair could be made. So what do I do? I foolishly throw it away, assuming that all I had to do was call Monogram and they would promptly dispatch another kit."Surprise, surprise!" "Long since discontinued". I tried EBay, but out of the handful put up, I never seemed to be the high bidder, even when submitting bids well north of $200. It truly had become the "Holy Grail" of Model Building.

   Years went by, and I had all but given up on obtaining one. A hole would have to remain in my model collection as well as in my heart. Time heals, and that's why my thoughts had strayed to the usual mundane gifts as I opened the box my daughter had proudly presented. Another bout of feigned enthusiasm in the offing I mused. As soon as the first flap had been cut, I knew immediately that a treasure lurked inside "Mea Culpa" There it was! My long sought 1932 Ford Roadster Monogram Model kit in all it's 1/8 scale grandeur! Unassembled and untouched, the plastic bags containing parts that I fervently hoped my 72 year old fingers would still be able to turn into the magnificent piece I had lost decades ago. My daughter had at last and maybe only once in a lifetime, found the "perfect gift"

Edited by cutlasguy (see edit history)
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Guest AlCapone

It is a successful day when you bring a smile to someone's face. Good for your daughter. I am very happy for you. Wayne

On one of my business cards the script is printed:

" At the end of the day it is not the jingle in my pocket that matters, but the feeling in my heart "

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I have that kit in my collection, or should I say the car and box. Some of the glue has dried out as it sat around for years in storage but it's all there. They are fine models. I am glad to hear of your good fortune!


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Last Christmas, my daughter told me that my gift was coming but hadn't yet arrived. Yesterday she comes over with a large package in hand....


I opened the box my sibling had proudly presented.... 


Cutlass Guy, surely your daughter isn't your sister!


I've heard the folk song, "I'm my own grandpa,"

but I'll bet your family tree isn't that complicated!


We're glad to hear you found the model to fill the hole in your collection.

Edited by John_S_in_Penna (see edit history)
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