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How many times have you been in HPOF?

Annie G

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While I was washing my Burb, I was wondering how many times other people have entered their vehicle in HPOF and the number of chips you have on your board(s)! 


Hershey made a full year of shows for me.... I have 4 chips - going for #5 tomorrow in Spencer NC :)


Who has the most HPOF chips here in the AACA? :)

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Congatuations on attending four National Meets this year.  That is quite an accomplishment.  The Spencer show tomorrow is a North Carolina Region Meet of AACA.  While judged to the same standards as an AACA National Meet by AACA National Judges, your award will be a NC Region Award, not a National award.  This is not a lesser award, just a different award.  It's a good show at a great location.  I've been many times in the past.  Enjoy yourself and good luck on your award.

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HPOF is a class for unrestored vehicles judged at an AACA meet.  It stands for Historical Preservation of Original Features and every time you compete in this class you get a 'chip' just like a repeat in any AACA class judging (Preservation award).  I can't remeber the rules but to win in HPOF your car must be either all original except in one one major group (like a repaint or new interior or rebuilt engine compartment) or it can only be restored in one of the five major areas.  I got an HPOF for my 1913 Studebaker in 2010 and I honestly can't remember the rules but I am sure someone will set me straight! 


It didn't matter on this car as it is an all original 7000 mile car and passed on all five areas.  Only award I ever tried for and only one I got!  But we hosted the meet and it was close to home!



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61polara - Thanks!  I attended Spencer last year and got my Red Bird :)  It's a great show at a great location :)  About ready to head out now.


Avantey - Thanks for the explanation for capngrog!   :)


Sorry capngrog for assuming everyone knew what HPOF stands for. :)

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I went out for it once. I had to prove the pinstriping on my car, and some other things were original and correct. Then one of the judges said "Well who knows what they did with all these weird edition Lincolns." They nitpicked a few other things, but I got my plaque. Then they told me to replace the few parts on it that I agreed were not factory (battery, hose clamps, wheels that were put on it when it was new). I said, you want me to take the old parts off of it, and put new ones on so that it is more historically preserved? They didn't find that amusing. I did. :lol:  


I might enter it again if it was convenient. But no big need to get another chip. The guy next to me had a car from the 1980's that he had original tires on, and had to pump up every 45 minutes or so at the show because they would not hold air. Not my thing, my car was driven several hundred miles to get there. The other one was trailered. We got the same plaque. I had more fun.

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I've heard that judging HPOF has been cleaned up, stressing "preservation of original features" .

I tried it twice, first time at the show in St. Petersburg FL with our 1935 Ford pickup.  Original V8 driveline, most of the original interior, but repainted in 1970, with a brush. (I think that saved the body)  It is a usable, driveable  year old truck.  Un-restored at all but complete and operable.  Judged, "not preserved", but a hit with the spectators and AACA members who tried to buy it.  

Next I tried it with our 66 VW Bug, mostly original paint, engine, radial tires and a few window stickers and fender skirts (Foxcraft).

I think the one that offended the judges was the "Why Be Normal" sticker on the back window. 

Anyway, after that I decided that I'm not a judged car show guy and concentrate on enjoying my cars by driving them on AACA Tours.

The 66 VW has been in about 5 Founder;s Tours and many regional or divisional tours.  Nobody rejects me or our cars and we all enjoy our old cars to see the USA, the American way.

If I ever do another show it will be for "Driver Participation" only as did with our Glidden Touring 1934 Fords.  The use of all the cars is the best part of the hobby.  When I'm done with them, somebody else can do whatever they want with them.

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Thanks for the explanation.  I should have known what the HPOF rating was; however, I'd never before seen reference to the "chips".  I've never attended a 'judged' show, much less entered one, but I'm thinking of entering an HPOF event if there is one near Central Florida.  I'll check the AACA Calendar of Events.  I need an event relatively nearby since my 1938 Chevrolet Master Deluxe 4 door sedan is not happy at any speed over 55 mph ... except maybe coasting down a hill ('real' hills  are in short supply here in Florida).


Thanks again,


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