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Replacing lost keys??


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Simple but expensive is call a mobile locksmith and have keys made to fit, expect to spend a couple hundred for the house call.


Cheap is to get new door lock cylinders and rekey the ignition to match doors yourself. You do need to turn ignition lock to remove from column and to remove core without damage. Go to u-tube and watch a couple hours  of video on how to make and use bump keys, how to rekey locks.


Best to find missing keys.

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The left door lock has the code on the lock, you need to take the lock out of the door to read it, a key can be cut from the code.  The trunk key, take take one of the locks to a locksmith.  Now if you have the owners manual, or any of the paper work that came with the car when sold new, you are looking for a little metal tag with the key numbers on it, also many salesmen write the key numbers down in the owners manual or in the original paperwork.   Good Luck

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Thanks guys. Our house has had every drawer, cupboard, closet, nook,cranny cleaned/cleared/inspected with no luck. I have even expanded the search to our daily drivers and the garage...nada. Hoping the vin# with work, as I have none of the original paperwork or manuals. If the vin# is a no-go, I'll pull the door lock and take it to a locksmith. Thr trunk my become an issue as my trunk release doesn't work at this time...first things first I guess.. :P

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Hope you get lucky with the door lock, mine wasn't numbered so I did the door lock cylinders and keyed the column to match. Paid to have the trunk key made, you can get close by matching a key to the glove box and storage hatch, but you have more pins to turn past for the trunk lock. Grew up on a car lot and I'm actually pretty good at replacing lost keys and I wasn't going to risk slipping and busting the trunk plastic, so I paid a lock smith for that key.


If you have playful pets don't forget to look under the couch, chairs and oven.


Vin number was no help when I needed a key, the TC vins, like most of our part numbers, weren't crossed when Chrysler switched over to the new system. 

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......Best to find missing keys.


Well... after careful consideration of all the options, time and cost involved, I decided to take Digger's original suggestion! LOL Quite by accident, or more likely Divine Providence!

Got home from work today, as I pull in the drive I see that Blanca (my wife) has put up the mole trap in the yard with the spikes down (instead of up, in the triggered position) Silly girl..lol. I grab the trap and move it to a new location and set it and start walking toward the house. I take 3 steps and see something shiny and half buried in the grass.... the keys!!


What a relief!! First thing after work tomorrow, a new set of keys which go onto my Master-spare key chain!! :D

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Well... after careful consideration of all the options, time and cost involved, I decided to take Digger's original suggestion! LOL Quite by accident, or more likely Divine Providence!

Got home from work today, as I pull in the drive I see that Blanca (my wife) has put up the mole trap in the yard with the spikes down (instead of up, in the triggered position) Silly girl..lol. I grab the trap and move it to a new location and set it and start walking toward the house. I take 3 steps and see something shiny and half buried in the grass.... the keys!!


What a relief!! First thing after work tomorrow, a new set of keys which go onto my Master-spare key chain!! :D

It is just AMAZING  how God works in His mysterious ways.

Had not your wife improperly placed the mole trap, you would not have walked that way and very likely spent good money on a locksmith. Be THANKFUL

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I am Hemi. The last part was just a small  segment of a post on Facebook

Here's the full post :D


God is so cool...He can use the most mundane series of events to teach and bless... (long story warning, now's your chance to bail out grin emoticon )

So you decided to keep reading eh? lol So Monday (Labor Day)we drove my TC to Sheridan to visit some friends, got home about 7:30 pm and parked the car. Went to move the car this Saturday...couldn't find the keys. Now, we're pretty good about putting the keys in one of two places; on the island counter top, or on a couple hooks under one of the cupboards...nada. We tore this house apart Saturday. Every coat pocket of every coat, every drawer, cupboard, closet, nook and cranny was cleaned,re-arranged, cleared or inspected...Upstairs AND downstairs. I searched the garage and the basement AND the other cars...3 hours on Saturday, zilch! Then again on Sunday another hour of more looking. Now keep in mind that by this time Blanca and I are searching areas the other has already searched, along with asking each other..'Did you look here..or did you look in ___ ?"
Normally by this point, I'm pretty....let's just say, 'upset'. But I kept things in check pretty well. I got a little testy a couple times, but we made it through the weekend, unscathed for the most part, and I resolved myself to pulling the ignition, door and trunk locks to get keys made.

Today on the way home I had my usual discussion with God about my day, the people I care for at work, the morons driving in front of me..lol Then I just mentioned that I could use some help finding those keys....
I pull in the drive to see that Blanca has put up the mole trap in the yard with the spikes down (instead of up, in the triggered position) Silly girl..lol. I grab the trap and move it to a new location and set it and start walking toward the house. I take 3 steps and see something shiny and half buried in the grass :D  the keys!! BLESS THE LORT (as Blanca would say :P)
Now the cynic would say, "dumb luck".
The Buddhist would say "Karma".
I say... God knows me, and he knows that it's in the little things, the stupid, don't mean a pinch of dirt and you'll forget about it next week things, that mean the most to me. It like a little post-it, "Good job on that challenge. Oh, that little afterthought prayer...done" To me it's an affirmation, God's way of confirming, in the midst of the chaos and challenges that are life, "You're right on track, right where you should be, and headed right to where I want you to be."

Some might say I read WAY too much into simple things...maybe, but then again, maybe not...selah

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  • 1 month later...
Guest mark_andrews

Thanks. This was a very helpful thread. I purchased a 1991 TC last month (Oct 24th) and it only had 1 set of keys... 1 ignition/door key, 1 trunk key... so yes, your advice is very helpful. Thank you all so much!

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