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Another reason I won't be going to Paris...


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I have a strong suspicion that this is one of those "We didn't think that through very well, did we?" kinds of things. All the government types think it's a good idea, put it into effect, and the law of unintended consequences takes over and royally screws up everything. They'll backpedal sooner or later. There's just no way they can force all the people in a city that size to buy a new car by banning all cars older than 2011.

Good luck with that, Paris...

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Guest Bob Call

No way the Supreme Court would approve of the government holding a gun to your head forcing you cancel a contract you are happy with and making you enter into a contract drafted by the government that requires you to purchase services you don't need or want. If you don't comply the SCOTUS says it's OK to levy a fine on you.

So, don't be so sure that France will reverse its position. France appears to be the socio-economic model our politicians want to copy. I can imagine our politicians passing a law that any car, truck, motorcycle, or other vehicle or apparatus powered by an internal combustion engine that is not certified to operate on E15 fuel must be destroyed by January 1, 2020, to reduce our "carbon footprint". The rules for such a law will be promulgated and enforced by the IRS Armed Enforcement Division, Bureau of Climate Change Reversal.

Edited by Bob Call (see edit history)
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Guest AlCapone

France is as close to a dictatorship as you can get, it does not matter what the people want it is what the government wants them to want. They also serve horse instead of beef steaks and that's no horse sh*t !


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Guest bkazmer
France is as close to a dictatorship as you can get, it does not matter what the people want it is what the government wants them to want. They also serve horse instead of beef steaks and that's no horse sh*t !


Um, no, no and no. Gallophobic ignorance aside, they elected Hollande's party because they didn't like what Sarcozy's had done, and Hollande's will likely be ousted for the same reason. Sorta like we do. And the horse butcher is a different shop from the cow/pork/lamb butcher, but you can patronize either or both.

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Guest AlCapone

I ordered a steak in Paris and when it arrived it was purple. The waiter said it was horsemeat and unless you ask for beef you would always be served horse ! And please don't ever compare the United States to France.


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Guest bkazmer
I ordered a steak in Paris and when it arrived it was purple. The waiter said it was horsemeat and unless you ask for beef you would always be served horse ! And please don't ever compare the United States to France.


your waiter was pulling your leg. sans doute. sorry if this is a forbidden comparison, but both countries have good and bad waiters.

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Guest bkazmer
Someone prove it My faher was there in the War, I know what he said.Alot of years can make a ton of opinions

Horsemeat is available in butchershops and some restaurants. The horsebutcher often also carries game. It's identified as such in any reputable restaurant, and is not sold as an inferior item. It looks more like buffalo than beef, darker.

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