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'56 dash-vents reassembly--UFF DA!

Guest NikeAjax

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Guest NikeAjax

Today I rebuilt one of the dash-vents on my '56 Century: it took me a very long while before I stopped thinking to myself, "OMFG, OMFG! What did I do to myself..." The replacement of the veins is satanic to say the least... I figured out that if you shim the outer-most three veins to keep them in place, things go A LOT smoother. I used three, a total of nine, popsicle-sticks between each vein and in the last section a wad of paper, half of a 3x5" index-card. Now before you start thinking how half-assed using popsicle-sticks is, I should point out that the length is nearly ideal, the tail-end of them should be left sticking out, not inside the vent itself, and their length really keeps the veins in place. The wad of paper keeps a dynamic-pressure on the entire assemblage of parts and holds things together which is needed when you put the, for my lack of a real word for it, register in(it's the tiny triangular piece with three holes that moves the veins!) Without that dynamic-pressure, there was no way to hold the piece in while I assembled the second set of eight veins. I needed to keep pushing the piece back in before it slipped out, but it never came off: SANITY SAVED!

Tear-down, clean and reassembly: 20-minutes on the second one!


This is what it looks like shimmed:


Edited by NikeAjax (see edit history)
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Guest NikeAjax

"The factory provided free popsicles for the workmen on the assembly line under the condition that all sticks remained company property."

SNORT: okay, that actually made me laugh--thanks!


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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest NikeAjax

Yet another tip: when removing and installing the ducting, use a hair-dryer set at high to soften the ducts! Over time they shrink back and become brittle. Also, don't use plastic Duck-Tape, use aluminum-ducting-tape for repairing HVAC.


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Guest NikeAjax

HELP! Where does this go?!?!?!?


I found a copper-wire stuffed into the heater-outlet: where should it go? It has an eye, so it looks like it should be screwed down onto something: is this a ground for the heater-blower?

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