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A/C Deodorization

Paul Falabella

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Thanks to help of a very knowledgeable forum member I have an extremely cold blowing A/C unit.

However, the first comment from the wife was, "the car stinks". I was just thrilled it was cold.

The wire mesh filter in the picture is not from a KFC deep fryer. It's probably from a couple of decades of Lucky Strikes.

I pried the edges of the frame apart to remove the old element and used a 2 stage foam and thin fibreglass sheet filter, tucked in best as possible and recrimp the edges. Of course if the exact size can be found that would be easier.

The evaporator coils and plumbing had some nasty looking schmutz on them as well. With a spray bottle I wet the area with water, then sprayed Simple Green. Scrubbed as best as can with a nylon brush, rinsed with water then sprayed Fabreeze.All this will run out the condensate vents(missing the buckets you placed and going on the garage floor).

I drove the car with the A/C on and it no longer smells like an Oscar Madison poker night.

Smells like Fabreeze but I would think that will dissipate.post-54093-143142175515_thumb.jpg



Edited by Paul Falabella (see edit history)
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