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AACA Vehicle Descriptions


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I've recently begun showing my Thunderbirds, and being careful when filling out the registration, I always use Ford for the Make, and Thunderbird for the Model. All AACA descriptions from this point on identify my cars as 'Ford'. I see others have listings as 'Ford Thunderbird', which seems appropriate as does 'Thunderbird'. Is there a way to assure that the next Thunderbird gets listed as Ford Thunderbird, or just Thunderbird?

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  • 7 months later...

Back in June, I took Peter's suggestion and called the phone number and got what I thought were results. In a few days I had a corrected plate for my HPOF Board and the assurances that everything had been corrected, until today, when the 2013 Winners list arrived as an insert to 'Antique Automobile'. There it was again, 1960 Ford. What can we do to make a PERMANENT correction for this and future listings?

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hellerc, you are probably wasting your time. I've reached the conclusion that the people running the AACA don't want any suggestions and don't want to make any changes in their routine. I asked why the windshield placards didn't include the series or model name for the vehicle shown and was told it would make the judges spend more time judging the cars. Why would it affect them at all? At the risk of offending many people I am going to say what I think. I think their answer was a copout because they want you to believe nothing they are doing can be improved. Okay, lay it on me. My hide's tough, I can stand it.

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John, the compromise is the AACA approved info placards that one can add to your vehicle with no points lost or feeling hurt. That way, if it's important to the owner, they can offer all the details without having to stand there repeating the same three paragraphs.

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Guest billybird

When we mail in a meet registration we mail it to the Chapter or Region not to National headquarters. The Region/chapter then prints their meet roster/program. So I think what happens is, when the awards are given out, the way the Region/chapter lists the vehicle in the meet roster is what is sent to National as the winners list. Therefore it depends on how the Region/chapter lists the vehicle. This is just what I THINK happens. You are not alone; it has happened to me before.

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When you called HQ they changed the data on your car in the database. I am sure that in all future meets and awards regarding your car you will always see the correct listing. I am sure that it was a simple oversite that resulted in them not thinking about going back and correcting the listing in the original winner's list from the earlier meet. I am sure that the end of year publication simply was built from the original winner's list from each Meet.


Any additional information placed on the windshield card would require additional data entry, and the possibility of more errors. It would add a slight amount of time in data entry and review, and a little bit more space on the windshield card, but not a lot. I would think that it could certainly be possible, but I don't know how many people would feel that this additional information is needed.

If you feel strongly about it, lobby the board of directors to make it happen. Feel free to also bring it up publicly in the next Membership Roundtable(s) that you attend. Those would be the ways to try to bring about change in policy. In my experience, AACA is responsive to input. Like any large organization, AACA makes changes slowly. Things don't change overnight.

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First of all we do try to get things right! Are we perfect, heck no but the call was made and the data WAS changed. Our staff expeditiously handled the request, not weeks later! However, Billybird is right, the compilation of the winner's list is involved and comes from the registration lists at the meets. The data from the registration card is not done by the national office but each registration chairperson. Try data entry on 4-5,000 cars a year by 10 different people and you will get opportunities for problems. I am sorry the listing was incorrect but we will fix it on the online version on Monday if you send me an email with your name or member number.

Mr. Cameron, just because your idea was not implemented does not mean it was not discussed. EVERY idea brought before the class judging committee or to this office is given serious thought. The answer that was given to you was not the correct answer. We have changed the windshield card at least 4 times in the last ten years. Everything from the size of the printing to the data it contains. In all cases the main goal is to assist the judging team in doing their assignment. I cannot count the number of times judging forms have been changed over the last ten years! Your contention that we do not want change is not only preposterous it does not hold up to the facts.

AACA came out with a new sign program two years ago so members can share more details about their cars with the public including model information and all other details. The club makes ZERO on this program and quite frankly it is a lot of work but we like the public to be able to learn more about the car and the owner.

"I think their answer was a copout because they want you to believe nothing they are doing can be improved"...NOTHING COULD BE FARTHER FROM THE TRUTH! Changes at times are made almost daily when we can find a better way or it is requested by the board. AACA may move slowly in some areas but it moves at lightning speed in other areas. Again, the facts prove this so.

Time for me to get back to work....

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Thank you Mr. Moskowitz and Mr. Hinson for your "on-target" responses.

It is important that such misinformation be addressed and corrected

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