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HUGE 1959 Buick as the stage backdrop for the Bon Jovi European tour.


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Guest shadetree77

I'll be the first to say that I REALLY do not like Bon Jovi....but that is AWESOME! How cool would it be to buy or build a large garage and slap that on the front of the building?? Thanks for posting Brian.

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Guest wildcat465


Could not imagine polishing THOSE grille squares. Enough work on the regular sized model.

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Could not imagine polishing THOSE grille squares. Enough work on the regular sized model.

Once you get them polished with a small finesse buffing tool, then you put that miracle "magic shine" stuff they sell on tv on them. THAT should seal them in some sort of chemical vault for a while . . . longer if the car doesn't go much over 35mph too often.



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Hmm...I have a pair of "blank" 60' walls 14' high...I wonder if that could work...probably not as there is too much flipping wind out there all the bloody time.

Brian, I didn't realize you were on a European vacation. I'm jealous :cool:;)

I'm a cowboy, on a steel horse I ride. Buick wanted...dead or alive.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Derek . . . such a rhyme!

I did a Google image search of "Bon Jovi Euro Tour Buick" and found lots MORE pictures! It seems that each of those chrome grille "buttons" is a video monitor, as are the park lights. NO chrome, just lots of screen cleaner and a squeege with a long handle . . . AND a ladder!

Just some thoughts,


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