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AACA Western Division Spring Meet


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Here are the DFers that met today at the Western Division Spring Meet:<BR> tf20020525bf.jpg <br clear="all">From left to right: ply33, JAC, hvs, Deering.<P>Snapshots from the show, in no particular order, are also available for <a href="http://www.ply33.com/Misc/20020525/index.html">viewing.</a><P>[updated link to pictures]<p>[ 05-26-2002: Message edited by: ply33 ]

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This is a really nice post. I'd like to suggest that a separate post be formed for all the major shows, for everyone that was lucky enough to be there, to comment on. That way we would't have to wait months to see it in print.<P><BR>Bob Giles

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ply33. Thanks for the great report and photos. I agree with Bob Giles, in that this kind of quick response and format is greatly appreciated.<P>Regards, Peter J. wink.gif" border="0

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24T42, There really weren't any spectators. Nor, for that matter, were there spectators at the Morgan Hill show a few years back. Nor at the Aptos show last year. I have some thoughts on the subject, but it will take me some time to put them into writing and I suspect the result will not be short. I also suspect that this thread will not be a good one to post it to. Expect to see a new thread on that topic by me in the next couple of weeks.<P>(Editted: English is a wonderful language once you get the hung of it.)<p>[ 05-26-2002: Message edited by: ply33 ]

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Ply33 - I guess I should wait for you to start your other thread, but I'll wade into the murky waters here. Although I did not attend the last couple of Western meets, I did notice a distinct lack of "spectators" at the ones I attended. When I asked one of the host regions, they admitted that they did not go out of their way to encourage visitors. They feared that the non-automotive types might damage the cars. This in a state where thousands of people pay big bucks to attend Pebble Beach and where there is a lot of antique auto action. Maybe that is why AACA is having membership problems in the far West. Am looking forward to your comments.

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No good excuse. smile.gif" border="0<P>I walked by the only motorcycle on the field (next to the big GMC truck) around 2ish and no one was there.<P>Got to talkn with the gentleman with the Lincoln convertible right afterward and next thing i knew it was 2:30.<P>Sorry I missed ya!<P>Peter<p>[ 05-27-2002: Message edited by: peterg ]

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As some may have noticed, after posting that I would see you all at Sunnyvale, I never showed up. It was a great disappointment,no two great disappointments. On Monday afternoon the 20th,My birthday by the way, I suffered a heart attack and ended up having angioplasty and having a stent installed at 5P.M. Spent the rest of the week in the Hospital. My Cardiologist wasn't too keen on me loading and trailering the next day so Saturday I spent resting and feeling really down about not being able to participate. I had been looking forward to it for so long. I really enjoy visiting with everyone and looking at all the cars, Its what the hobby is all about for me. In regard to spectators, I prefer for some meets to be primarily for the people in the hobby. Especially if the cars are not roped off. Somtimes the general public seems to feel they are at a free disneyland and the cars are there to be sat on,leaned on, and fingerprinted. Its really nice to be at a show with others that understand the effort that has occurred to get these vehicles in the condition they are in. Besides, there are plenty of concours and car shows if you like crowds. These meets are much more relaxing for the owners. Right now I don't feel too bad but time will tell, 3 years ago I had a similar problem and wasn't able to partipate or feel well for about 8 months. Hope this isn't going to be that long. So long for now, Chuck

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One other thing.<BR>cbfanucci, since the age of 39 I have suffered from what they call atrial fibrillation. Essentially my heartbeat is irregular plus my atrium is running haywire at 400 beats per minute, fortunately medication slows it down somewhat but also makes me easily fatigued and exhausted nevertheless I pace myself and do things much more slowly even though at 40 I feel like an old man.<BR>I wish you the best of luck with your recovery and will just say this is not the end, you just have to pace yourself.<BR>Even with the coumadin I'm on a simple bruise can require hospitalization added to that the pressure and pleasure of raising a 3 year old daughter plus maintaining a stable of cars which require constant attention.<BR>When I found out it took me a year to accept this, especially since my father died of the same thing at 42 but with the medication and technology available today I do not intend to repeat this.<BR>Best of luck, Carleton

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cbfanucci,<P>As much as I'd have liked to meet you in person, that is a small thing compared to dealing with an illness. Bless you and I hope and trust will will fully mend. After all, cars can wait. Life doesn't.

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