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I have been asked to speak, and it will be an honor to do so, at the National meeting in Philadelphia on the subject of (what else) Crosleys. I want to make this as interesting and informative as possible, so I thought I'd ask those on here who have attended in the past, what makes a presentation interesting to you?? There is so much that I could talk about that half an hour will be squeezing a lot into a small space. I am thinking that a general background on the company and the man, followed by the early (pre war) days of the company, a little wartime activities, the post war boom, and the decline and end of the company, and finally the post-Crosley vehicles that relate. I plan on including lots of pictures in all areas showing the wide diversity of models that were produced and the features of a few of them, (but even that could last hours) so I can't get into too many particulars for judges. I will have on display a lot of Crosley literature and if people think appropriate I could bring a radio or 2. So what Ideas do you have??? Any particulars you think should be handled??? All suggestions are appreciated.

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Dave ,

Maybe you could give a short mention of the early sheet metal engines and the later cast blocks.

Some photos of the many differing styles would be interesting.

Some of the unusual variations, like the fire truck, and such might be a crowd-pleaser.

Thank you for taking part in making this presentation,


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Two great ideas....Keep them coming. I can bring a Cobra block for display. It is always fun to take one to a show and hand it to people and tell them to say they were "holding a Cobra block" at the show today. I also have some info on the Sebring race along with some personal comments from one of the 2 drivers who told me his secret to keeping engine revs up while cornering!!! I have to be careful when talking about fire trucks as none of them were Crosley Factory built except for one that was Farm O Road based (and I'm trying to stick with Crosley Factory items). The most well known one built by Overland Amusements used a factory built Crosley Cab and Chassis as the basis for their kiddie ride. A particularly nice one owned by Norm and Janyne Smith is an AACA senior and was shown at Grand Nationals!! I'll be sure to mention them as Crosley based along with the post Crosley factory items.

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