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Face to face in Monterey


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There are a lot of us who have become what I'd call 'good friends' on this forum, but we don't really know each other face to face. For those of us going to Monterey, what would you think of setting a time and place for all of us to meet so we can match names, "handles", and faces.

In looking at the schedule of events, it looks there would be a good opportunity for us to meet on Tuesday or Wednesday morning somewhere between 9:00 and Noon. The schedule of events lists that time as "on your own." Look at the schedule in your latest review and see what works best for you.

Any takers? Comments?



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I'm in...how about Wednesday @ 9am in the Registration Room? "Get to Know Your Riv & Toro" is @ 10am in the parking lot.

Some folks might not arrive for the ROA meet until sometime Tuesday.

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Once upon a time, a few members had a social time that was coined Midnight Judging. Chris Wolfe, John Andreassen, are a couple I can remember and a 3-4 others that escape me. John A was the "Judging Captain". We'd meet in the parking lot at night with cocktails of choice and meander along the rows of cars critiquing them. It was fun. We'd have a "team meeting" prior and once we were slightly inebriated the judging would start.

OK I may have sensationalized it just a bit but you get the point.

As years went by I don't know if everyone got too old and were in bed by midnight or what but the event died many years ago. Maybe we could revive it.

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I just talked with John A. and he's up for being captain again. He called it the 'brown bag' judging event. He related one story about a car that pulled in late at night and a rather intense discussion started as to whether the car was Black or Diplomat Blue. Apparently the ball caps with the LED "headlights" in them didn't put out enough light for anyone to be able to tell the difference, or perhaps the contents of the brown bags had made that kind of judgement impossible no matter what the lighting. "Brown Bag" judging/critiquing would be best held on Wednesday night; that will ensure that as many possible cars wiill be there as possible. I can sort of tell by the way that Jason related the story that he's in. John and I will be there as well. Any other "judges?"


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Guest rsmalling

Sounds like great fun! Brown bag judging hahahah :D

I need to see if I can get my sorry self up there for the meet!

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It will be worth every second you spend up there. This goes along with what Chris Wolfe wrote about after attending a couple of the first early meets. "The first time you go for the cars, the next times you go it's for the people."


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Guest rsmalling

Yeah Ed, its all about the people. Now that Ive been thinking about the meet instead of the regular day to day stuff, I may just jump on my Motorcycle and come up for a day or three! I dont live that far away. I better give this some serious though and think it through. I need a Vacation anyway! ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest hahnster

I am brand new to ROA, just having signed up ths week. While I have paid I have not yet been granted a member number. I would like to go to Monterey but can only go for one day. I am particularly interested in talking with owners, looking at cars, and scouting out parts. Is there a particular day that you think would be best to do this? I can't find a schedule of events. Is there a schedule someone could send me? My e-mail is hahnster1@yahoo.com

Thanks Much,

- John

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Thursday. The cars will be staged for judging between 7:00 am and 9:00 am then judging begins. The time frame for judging ends at 2:00. 2:00 to 6:00 is free time and chances are most guys will still be around until the evenings festivities begin. Be sure to stop by the hospitality room and introduce yourself. Talk with Ray and let him tell you more about the ROA and its activities.


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Guest hahnster

Thank you for the information Ed. Do you know if there are particular days that are best for swap meets and or vendors. Having just purchases my first riviera , and beings it needs restoration, I am looking for parts. Thanks again.


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Any and all vendors who attend the meet will have a table/booth set up in the hospitality room. Most of what you'll need for your car is probably not reproduced for a Riviera :mad:, you're going to be looking for good used or hopefully NOS parts. There's no swap meet as such.

Getting to know the vendors who advertise in the Riview will be a good first step. Because of distance, not all vendors attend every meet. Lots of these vendors do this part time so they don't always have the resources or time to attend every meet.

You'll probably talk to lots of guys at the meet who will give you advice on different places they find parts and services.

See you in Monterey.


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