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Need info on engine cradles


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Ok I am getting ready to start on the series3/2 six speed mock up. I would like to drive my care while workin on the engine cradle engine mounts. Needless to say on this island E-body cars in our era are hard to find, and pricey to get to here.

I have found a 89 deville and want to know if the sub frame has the same mounting pattern and if all the control arms line up the same. Also any other differances that may affect the project. I know the mount points for the engine will be off but I think the cradle/subframe have the same dementions.

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i wana say theyre the same. very similar. they both use a 6-bolt hold with 4 rear 2 front. The deville frame is alot beefier. Only way to really know is go to a junkyard and take measurements. I think it will work tho. I'd like to know how that swap goes. I'd love to have a M/T reatta. It would make creating power in this car easier to have a trans that can hold it

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The only way to know this is to have one of each and compare measurements.

As an example, the Riviera and Reatta carry a different part number but several Reatta owners have used the Riviera as a replacement and could not discern a difference.

Guessing.....I would thing the Toronado, Seville, and Eldorado are very similar, probably the cradle to body mounting locations are the same, BUT the engine mounts could be completely different. There is nothing commonly available from GM that would allow you do do the comparison without the parts in hand.

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Obviously any E platform with a 3800/4T60[E] combo will work. This includes the Rivi and Toronado. The latter is not so common (probably harder to find than a Reatta at this point). Rivieras seem not to be too plentiful either at least in salvage yards.

The Eldorado was E platform from at least 85 on, probably 88 or later would be a close match although it had the 4.5L V8 from 89-90, the 4.9L V8 in 91/92 and by 93 was all Northstar AFAIK. Prior to 89 it had the 4.1L V8 (A/K/A the HT4100 - ugh).

Deville was much the same setup powertrain-wise as the Eldo, but was a C-platform through the end of 1993 (this being the more formal looking FWD Deville body). In 1994 it became a K-platform car known as "K-special" or KSP with the 4.9L V8/4T60E setup standard, Northstar w/4T80E was optional, and this was carried into 1995. As of 1996, it was Northstar/4T80E only.

Seville was K platform from at least 1992 on, and had the Northstar/4T80E combo only from 1993 forward. Not sure what year it happened (I'm thinking the 1998 redesign) but the Seville (SLS/STS) diverged from the Eldorado & Deville enough that it got it's own factory service manual, where the Eldo and Deville shared the same FSM until at least 1999. Eldo was retired at the end of 2002 production and was the only remaining Cadillac E-platform from 2000 onward.

I cannot say with certainty which of the years/models above may be suitable donors, but hopefully the lineage of the E platform and it's close K platform cousins may be helpful.


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Call a local salvage yard, they will have the interchange with other car models that will fit. I checked car-part.com and that site showed Reatta, Riviera, Toronado as interchanges.

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