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Looking for information and this bus

Guest Mark Golding

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Guest Mark Golding

Hi All, I am looking for this bus to restore or one like the one in this picture. I think it's a Model A or mid '30's type Ford but not sure . Can anyone Id it for me and if any one knows of a restoration canadate please let me know.


Seems the picture does not want to work so here's the address for it. http://www.crankersantiquelimo.us/bus.htm

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Guest Silverghost

As others have stated~~~

This looks like it was made-up just for weddings etc.

Do a web-search for custom-built limos~~~

I'll bet some limo conversion outfit is making these up today new~~~ for re-sale !

There must be a market for these by limo rental COs

Everyone these days seems to want an old car for a wedding !

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It appears to be a modern limousine made using some Model A Ford parts as the basis for the body. I have seen a couple of Model A's used as a basis for a limo, using original style wheels and more Model A Drive train that, while not authentic, looked much better to me that these. Those were only modified to be only slightly longer than the original Model A Chassis. The much longer length of the ones shown in your link, would not be practical using any original chassis parts.

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Guest Jim_Edwards

Okay guys, give Mark a break. He represents a Museum and company engaged in supplying vehicles for weddings and special occasions. He's just looking for a vehicle of the type in the photo to add to their rental offerings. There is quite a collection of pristine vintage vehicles that can be seen on their web site. The site links are a bit difficult to follow so there are a couple of URLs below to make it easy.

It is possible that the photo that includes two bus vehicles of the 1920s are indeed authentic. Vehicles of that nature were used by many railroads to handle low volume passenger traffic in portions of the Western U.S. They were often called the "Galloping Goose" in their day, however all that I have personally seen were not stretched to the extent seen in the photo. How many may have been made using a Model A chassis may never be known, but it is known that a number were created using Cadillac and Pierce Arrow vehicles. The Denver and Rio Grande Railroad built several Galloping Gooses in the 1930's using Buicks for their basis.

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Here's a link to a photo of a 1920's variation made on an early 1920's Packard chassis.



Edited by Jim_Edwards (see edit history)
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I remember seeing a vehicle similar to the one in the picture in an old movie. Sure can't recall the name of the movie, but in the movie, the vehicle was a being used press car.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Mark Golding

Thank You all for your coments, I'm looking for a True Model T Bus or something like it that I can restore. The picture I posted was just the idea of what I was looking for the old Model T Book I have shows a bus and I'm sure Model A's were made into buses also.

$85,000 for a Model A Bus??? Ok it's been modenized. I can see that but that's not the quaint type of look I was looking for. If any one know of an old bus on a Model A or T chassis please let me know where it is.

Mark G

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About 10 years ago there was an English firm building buses and delivery vans on brand new Ford truck chassis, but the appearance was pure 1920s. It was the most authentic looking effort of this type I have ever seen. Unfortunately I don't remember the name of the company but a web search might turn up something. If the name comes to me I will post it.

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