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You know what I really like about BCA sites?


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I like the fact that they are a safe haven from all the contentious websites and general media one encounters every day. I can always come on here and learn something or be greatly helped out by some one I don't even know.

Right now my college football team is not doing very well at all. In fact the last few years have been pretty dismal in terms of wins and losses. And there is always a lot of bickering that goes on within our fan base and of course with rival fans. I won't mention the name of my college team, because that in it self could detract from the purpose of this board.

And then there is the political stuff one encounters daily within the media and between political pundits. Can there be anything more contentious? But I must admit that I visit such websites or television shows on a regular basis, so I am simply getting what I bargained for - and I know that. I guess it is like the bad automobile accident you drive by. You can't help but gawk. And the result of all that is a kind of anger and frustration that is simply not good for my physical and mental health.

My therapy for all of that is a visit to these BCA sites. Here I can relax, learn and kick back knowing that one of my passions, love of old cars, especially Buicks, is shared and reveled in by everyone here. Here, on the Buick sites, I know that everyone has one objective: To discuss and celebrate the Buick motor car. No need to deride others. No need to criticize and complain or call names. It is just a place to learn, marvel at, and take pleasure in the accomplishments of others. Where else do you experience that joy? I love it when I come here and find out that someone has recently posted a diary of his most recent restoration, documented with words and pictures. I really enjoy seeing pictures of a new found barn find, a recently started restoration complete with pictures of a rusted hulk of a Buick, parts scattered around a garage in an impossible heap; and then months or even years later viewing a shining gorgeous star of a Buick resulting from someone's expertise, sweat and labor applied to that mountain of impossible junk.

And I like the fact that I can openly ask a rudimentary question here and get an answer from someone who may have answered the question many times before, but still patiently provides the answer to me in a noncontentious and openly helpful manner.

Its nice to know that there still are places one can go, hang out, and when it is time to leave, feel really good about where they have been. This one of those places.

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I couldn't agree more, all of the above.

The help I have received from semi strangers on the other side of the world is incredible. I've been meaning to post a thanks to many people who patronise the BCA sites who have helped with parts and information which would not have otherwise been available.

I am currently restoring a 1936 Century Convertible Coupe and have encountered a number of non original parts on the car. In the main these have been parts that are simply unobtainable in Australia ( e.g. an original split backrest front seat ) but I have managed to source through the BCA site from a terrific fellow in Oregon. There are numerous other bits and pieces, not to mention the knowledge of others which is at your fingertips.

There is also some real good humour from time to time, Mr Earl comes up with a bit of fun every now and then and is always encouraged by the responses from the likes Dandy Dave, Thriller and even some of the Senior Club Executive like Rick Young, Pete Phillips and Bill Stoneberg.

So thanks to the site managers/moderators and thanks to all the participants - hope to catch up for a beer one day.

Edited by 50jetback (see edit history)
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Guest jules greenway

Hear hear to all of that!

For us on this side of the pond it is invaluable to have such a wealth of expertise and friendship readily available at the stroke of a few keys-long may it continue!



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Guest Grant Magrath

This place is fantastic. But what makes it so is the people. I put a post up on a Covette forum, and was mildly flamed. Some people just can't wait to pounce! I can't see that happening here. just wonderful people sharing a wealth of experience in a non judgemental and tolerant way.



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Guest tom pre

i tell my wife that spending money & time is so much cheaper than a therapist. she agrees. this site is lots of fun for me. i sincerely appreciate all the expert advise.

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Guest cardinal905

Being a rookie and attempting to learn to restore a Buick can be a daunting task, with life and property to maintain and a wife to keep happy (and four dogs) I have struggled to get much done. I have stacks of printed posts and I do learn something every day on this site. I do not have kids but sincerly hope those that do will show them this site, perhaps they too will have fun here and will learn something as well---and maybe keep them away from all the violence this world has to offer.

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