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Book Reviews - Car Books of course, OK here?

Guest ken bogren

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Guest ken bogren

Are book reviews, of car books of course, not allowed in the General Discussion Forum here?

It seems like they would be of interest to the general membership of the AACA and other readers of this site.

Of course a proper book review is going to include the reviewers comments along with at least the:

Name of the book

Name of the author(s)

Price of the book

Name of the publisher

Publisher contact info (website, phone, etc.

I seem to recall that a few years ago book reviews were being solicited here, but maybe that wasby the library staff.

At any rate, back to the question, are book reviews welcome e here, in the General Discussion Forum?

I ask because Hinckley posted an interesting book review the other day and it got moved into the Commercial Ad Forum, which seems a bit odd to me.

Maybe there should be a Book Review forum if they aren't allowed in the General Discussion Forum.

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Ken, what makes you think it got moved? From what I see, it appears that he originally posted it in that forum. I agree that the general discussion may be a more appropriate location, but I don't think a moderator moved it.

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Guest ken bogren
Ken, what makes you think it got moved? From what I see, it appears that he originally posted it in that forum. I agree that the general discussion may be a more appropriate location, but I don't think a moderator moved it.

The original thread title, with the "Moved" notation is on page 2 of the "General Discussion Forum" index at the moment.

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You are right. I did not find it when I did a search, using the search function.

I guess a search only shows the final location, not a location from which something has been moved.

I agree that the general forum sounds like a good spot for book review reviews. Perhaps the moderator, thought it was an attempt to promote a book that he wrote, which I do not think is the case.

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Guest ken bogren
Perhaps the moderator, thought it was an attempt to promote a book that he wrote, which I do not think is the case.

Yeah, those were my thoughts too.

I dunno, I just don't see book reviews like this one as anything other than interesting and helpful for the hobbyist. I know I sure appreciate it.

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It is in the commercial section! Sorry, I am the culprit who moved it as it read like an ad for the book. I am well aware of this book and we are reviewing it for our magazine. It is very interesting. If there is a real demand for this we could simply have a book review site. Sorry, just thought it could be potentially abused by other vendors.

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Guest ken bogren

I understand your concerns Steve. But just about any positive book review is going to come close to sounding like an ad.

If the reviewer included a link to their Amazon.com affiliate account for people to use when buying the book I could see it being considered spam.

And given the pretty strong stand the AACA apparently takes against saying anything negative about vendors or products on this forum, it seems like negative book reviews wouldn't be allowed either.

Too bad.

But then, given the apparent lack of interest in the topic, judging by the lack of comments in this thread so far, in the topic, I guess it may not matter.

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I understand your concerns Steve. But just about any positive book review is going to come close to sounding like an ad.

If the reviewer included a link to their Amazon.com affiliate account for people to use when buying the book I could see it being considered spam.

And given the pretty strong stand the AACA apparently takes against saying anything negative about vendors or products on this forum, it seems like negative book reviews wouldn't be allowed either.

Too bad.

But then, given the apparent lack of interest in the topic, judging by the lack of comments in this thread so far, in the topic, I guess it may not matter.


Had I seen the post originally it would have the same impact on me that Steve had.

On the bright side. Your AACA has a Book Review arena. On the home page click on "Library" in the right column. When the AACA Library site is open click on "Book Reviews" in the header bar.

Scroll down a bit past some recent book reviews and there is a "Submit a Book Review" link with instructions. Forward it to our Librarian, Mr. Chris Ritter.

[submit A Review

Have you read a good book about automobile restoration, history, a special marque, people or anything else that relates to the hobby? We'd like to include your suggestions and reviews on this Library site.]

Trouble I have seen and actually became quite frustrated with over the years is everyone systematically goes to the "General Forum". We have all sorts of services available on this AACA web site however no one dares venture out of the General Forum.

Take the "Search" function for example. No one bothers with it however many queries are constantly repeated. All one has to do is take the time and venture out of the General Forum.



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Guest Hinckley

It would seem I have opened a can of worms. I suppose an inquiry about the proper way to post a book review should have been the first step.

Several years ago I proposed supplying reviews for this forum on a regular basis with a format similar to that written for Cars & Parts. A crushing schedule made it impossible to do this on a regular basis and it fell by the wayside.

With Cars & Parts gone, or morphing into a new publication it seemed a good idea to simply continue writing the reviews but post them here.

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Not that our friends who volunteer to run this site are not already busy enough, but...

Just my two cents on this - a book review section in this forum would probably be well received. I know I would contribute as well as follow it. Commericial type posts or posts that lead to "contact me to order", etc. could be deleted or moved.

Plus, winter is coming which sometimes means more reading time!

Thanks, Steve

Edited by Steve_Mack_CT
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Not that our friends who volunteer to run this site are not already busy enough, but...

Just my two cents on this - a book review section in this forum would probably be well received. I know I would contribute as well as follow it. Commericial type posts or posts that lead to "contact me to order", etc. could be deleted or moved.

Plus, winter is coming which sometimes means more reading time!

Thanks, Steve

Hi, Steve.

Suggestion: Why not submit a book review to the already available "Book Review" forum available on the "Library" site. One could then make a post in the General Forum to the effect: "Please check out my book review on a 1909 Wutchamacallit authored John/Jane Doe in the Library Book Review forum.

On this site's Home Page, click on "Library" in the far right column then "Book Review" found in the header bar.



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Hi Peter, tough to argue with that, as it may promote more use of the "library" site, which does make sense. I guess I am guilty of looking for the convenience of having it here. Of course if there was a link where we may be used to seeing a section instead of a whole separate section...

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Hi Peter, tough to argue with that, as it may promote more use of the "library" site, which does make sense. I guess I am guilty of looking for the convenience of having it here. Of course if there was a link where we may be used to seeing a section instead of a whole separate section...


Give me a chance to follow protocol and see what may develop with Ken's request. I fully understand and appreciate Ken's point not to mention a great idea, however, I am a staunch supporter of our AACA Library and Research Center / AACA Museum services that already exist on this AACA web site. Getting people to utilize them is another subject.

If I read your suggestion correctly it may be a simple creation of a "hot link" in the General Discussion Forum to the already existing "Book Review" service your AACA Library already provides. You folks that posted so far may have something here.

As we are in the hectic week prior to Hershey a response may or may not take time however the customer service driven Directors and Committee personnel take these suggestions seriously.

We will respond...

Peter J.

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Hi- I, for one, had not previously looked Library link, and was interested to see the book reviews.

My only criticism is that the reviews seem somewhat sugar coated. For example, the review on "Old Automobiles" dances around the fact that this book appears to be just a jumble of advertisements, with errors on dates and many facts that are incorrect. Why pull punches? If the book isn't good, say so, that's what I'm reading between the lines, but a real, helpful, review should come right out and say "Well, the author put some effort in here, but unfortunately didn't deliver a quality product...."

IMHO of course.

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Thanks for looking into this as time allows.


Ken and Steve,

Communicated this thread subject to the proper people. As I had mentioned everyone is very busy preparing for Hershey so we will get back for sure possibly 1 week after the meet.

I will follow this up and respond accordingly.


Peter J.

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