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Help me identify an old movie.


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40 years ago I saw a movie on TV and for years I have been trying to remember or figure out what it was, without success.

It was a black and white comedy made in the late 40s. The plot concerned a young athlete who was trying to woo a young widow with 2 adorable boys about 5 and 7 years old.

She is struggling to raise the boys with no husband, hers was killed in the Navy.

He is a health nut of the blackstrap molasses, muscle beach variety.

She wants nothing to do with him but he persists. He persuades her to go to his favorite health food bar. He offers her a Potassium Cocktail at which she looks dubious, until he explains that it is non alcoholic at which she looks even more dubious lol.

That is about all I remember. I only saw part of it on TV. Does this ring a bell with anybody?

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Guest Bob Call

My guess is the actor was Robert (Bob) Cummings. Wikipedia entry has the following: "Cummings married five times and fathered seven children. He was a staunch advocate of natural foods and a healthy diet and authored a book, Stay Young and Vital (1960), on health foods and exercise. In reference to refined products such as white flour, white rice, and sugar, he was quoted as saying, "Never eat anything white.""

He was basically a comedic actor but also had some big dramatic movie roles. I remember his TV program in the late 50's "The Bob Cummings Show" where he played Hollywood photographer Bob Collins a self-styled playboy. His assistant Schultzie was played by Ann B Davis best know for her later role as Alice the housekeeper on the "Brady Bunch."

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I know Bob Cummings in fact I have some episodes of Love That Bob on the shelf.

I'm pretty sure he is not in the movie.

Tiger you are right it is a question for movie trivia experts. I have already asked all the old movie buffs I know. Thought perhaps there would be a few old movie fans looking at this board.

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Actually I am quite an old movie buff and have been challenging myself to help on this but just need a little more to go on.

My initial thought was the plot of a circa 1949 movie called "Holiday Affair" with Robert Mitchum wooing Janet Leigh, a war widow with ONE young son. But that is not your movie.

Actually Bob Call seems to have done better than I with his information about the Bob Cummings health routine. Any other information would help, Todd

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poci I have Holiday Affair and the plot is similar. The movie I am thinking of is more light hearted and Californian.

I have been going throught the IMDb movie roster. Unfortunately it seems you can only screen for ONE thing at a time. So I have been going through every movie listed year by year starting from 1946 including every cartoon and Hungarian goulash documentary, 1500 movies or more per year. Am now up to # 1054 of 1950, Rakkaus on nopeampi Piiroisen passiakin directed by Wilho Ilmari. I don't think it's the one I am looking for.

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