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Sunday May 30...just Buickful


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One of the local restaurants and an automotive writer worked up getting Dennis Gage of My Classic Car up here on Sunday. There was a brunch (although it started at noon...doesn't that make it lunch?), which I attended.

Dennis spent some time wandering around the room spending a couple minutes at each table and when he came to me he noted the Buick Wildcat shirt I was wearing. That was the conversation starter as one of the rare family vacations he had as a youngster was when he was 12 - his father borrowed a '65 Wildcat and they drove across country to the Yellowstone / Yosemite part of the world. It brought a smile to both our faces. At any rate, it left me with the impression of a genuine man who has been a car guy all his life. As the weather was a bit rainy, I had driven my freshly waxed '75 Electra to the restaurant and now it needs to be washed.

Before we wound up around 2:00, the skies were clearing and the roads were drying. As the cruise night started around 5:00, I was watching the weather radar, and looking at the roads to determine whether I'd take the Electra again or the '54 Century. Things looked good, so I decided to take the 54-69. It turns out that was one of the wisest decisions I've made.

This cruise usually draws a couple hundred cars every Sunday night from May to late September / early October. Poor Dennis was being pulled every which way for photos with cars and autographs. As he went by the one time, he said, "love the wagon, awesome car". Later, he was nearby again and when he could break free, he made a beeline for the Buick. I asked him if he wanted to sit in the captain's chair for a photo and he obliged. I got the one shot with him up close. Another couple of fellows with expensive cameras were taking shots of the car at the time, got my e-mail address, and I got those photos today - one of them is the one of the whole car with Dennis in it. I chatted a bit with Dennis before he was forced to move on.

Now, every Sunday night, there is a Cruiser of the Week chosen, who gets a plaque. On this night, Dennis was allowed to choose the car he liked the best. I was straining to hear the speaking, but a hopped up engine running nearby was drowning it out and I was sort of engaged in a conversation that I couldn't break away from. A friend came by later asking how my hearing was...my response was "what?" He told me that my car had been chosen. I made my way toward the DJ area, where Willy (Winnipeg Free Press Autos dude) snagged me and formally introduced me to Dennis. Willy told me to pick up my plaque at the DJ and I asked them to come over to the car so we could get a photo. I'm not big on autographs, but I got Dennis to sign the plaque (which a friend noted to me is an "Australian GS" - mirror image with the hood tach on the right side).

I'm still pretty excited. There will likely be something in Friday's paper...once I find it I can link it in here. A lot of people came by and were interested in the car. You just don't see a lot of these around. It was an enjoyable evening to say the least and may have just made my summer.





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That is a really good photo of your car and Dennis. He shows up at several car shows that I go to and he is always a very nice guy. I am sure it was a thrill that he picked out your car from the bunch. He sees a lot of cars and its a good sign that he picked out a Buick and a class Buick also

Congrats hang on to the photo

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Derek,That is AWESOME!!!! { I am doing my Chris Farley imitation now } My Post icon is how I would have been smiling:D:D:D:D;).I also had the opportunity to meet Dennis when he attended the 25th annual GS Nationals in Bowling Green Ky. several years ago.I can vouch for his patience in dealing with the multitude of his fans who enjoy meeting him.I'm just surprised to see him without his Thumbs Up in the photo,as it seemed like he would flash it in every picture taken.I see he still features his famous mustache in his autograph.The interesting thing about Dennis and his famous 'stache is that in his former employ he worked for Proctor and Gamble,being heavily involved in the Pringles Potatoe Chips.Recognize the Mustache on the cans????? Well there is my PAUL Harvey on that subject. Any idea whether or not they were taping for My Classic Car? Again well done.Enjoy.Thanks for Sharing, Rich

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Guest wildcat465

Cool pics D-Rock!

The cruise night that Derek is talking about (aboot) is a great time and the cars that show up are fantastic. Some fabulous Canadian representation of cars us southerners never get to see. I am forever thankful to to Derek for having us join him at this venue last fall.

Good to see the snow has finally melted.

Was this Dennis' first foray into The Great White North?

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Thanks gang.

Rich - I didn't know about the Pringles connection, but that explains the DJ talking about having his can of Pringles instead of the usual local favourite Old Dutch potato chips. Perhaps his thumbs are getting repetitive strain injury....

Lamar - I have the rubber corners from Metro, and I'm about to put my best people on it.

Paul - I would almost take snow right now over the deluge we've had recently. I have been able to plant most of the fruit this spring, but can't get a garden in...it's too wet. Oh, the photo is for you...it was back. :cool: Dennis had previously been out in 2003 during cruising season and had been here a couple other times for World of Wheels. He had a niece that was living here at one point as well.

Bob - I'm not a fan of butter, unless it is melted...that's how I maintain my BMI obese status :rolleyes::D


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Whilst we are here, I should also put up photos of some other Buicks that were there...a GN, '65 and '67 Rivieras, and '64 LeSabre convertible.

Of course, there's also another gratuitous shot of the wagon sent to me by a the same fellow who sent me a few more shots (he has an Allure and is quite pleased with it...we have a Buickful conversation going on).






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Paul (aka Willy) wrote both pieces...of course the technical data on the car was provided by me. He can get a little excited at times, but he's a good guy and a positive promoter of all things automotive in the region.

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Guest Straight eight

I sure like to see the cars at a show with the hood down. It shows the car lines off, not a gaping cavity that interupts the eye as it looks at each car.

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It will be riding in the trailer to Ames though...don't want any additional road damage before the car gets judged.

We really do like it. The opinions expressed at the cruise, and Dennis' confirmation, really help to make it hit home that it is a great car and we got a great deal on it.

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Guest sintid58

Love the wagon, someday I would like to have a wagon and a early 30's Buick. Oops mother is looking over my shoulder, never mind no more Buicks for us. (for now anyway)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Rhinelander Rob


We have our fingers crossed and are trying to arrange schedules to make Ames. I am hoping to commit this week.


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