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Just a thought

Guest Hector

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Guest Hector

More than posting,I mostly read the threads to try to keep up with what others are doing with their Buicks when I come to this site.I also frequent and support the BPG and the V8 Buick boards.

The BPG board has a specific forum set up that only paying members have access to it,the forum is used for Club ideas,good deals amongst the members or any issue were the targeted audience is the Club's membership.Some people don't like the fact that the forum is there but they are mostly non dues paying site members.

I think it is a great idea.I think that the BCA could get a lot of feedback from its membership on issues strictly related to the Club.Some members may feel more inclined to express their opinion if they know that only the membership is who's going to be seeing their post(not the whole world).

The forum could be the place for introductions and voting events for those who could find it easier to vote online or those who may loose or forget their ballots.This feature could be added to the benefits of the BCA membership list.

Like the title says,just a thought.

Edited by Hector (see edit history)
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...The forum could be the place for introductions and voting events for those who could find it easier to vote online or those who may loose or forget their ballots.This feature could be added to the benefits of the BCA membership list.
This forum is run & paid by the AACA ($35,000 per year in a recent Peter G post). BCA contribute zilch to this forum so the possibilty of a BCA member only section is very low in my opinion. However if you click on "new posts" a large % are Buick related. 10 out of 25 a few seconds ago
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That doesn't say that we may not be able to set aside a password-protected section of the BCA web site for some of what is suggested. While we wouldn't necessarily want to set up an entire new forum along with its associated costs, we already have some of the basics in the BCA site.

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Guest Hector

I'm not suggesting creating a whole new forum,my mistake,I guess I misused the term.Like Thriller posted above,it would be just another section to what we already have here.

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....it would be just another section to what we already have here.
We (the BCA) don't have anything here . This is not the BCA site or paid for by the BCA.
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Some members may feel more inclined to express their opinion if they know that only the membership is who's going to be seeing their post(not the whole world).

Huh, why? Are there "secret do-ings" I'm unaware of?? Why would anyone care who sees their opinion expressed???

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Guest Hector
Why would anyone care who sees their opinion expressed???

I don't know, some may feel that way.Just trying to cover as many bases as I can.

I remember a post a while back about having The Bugle online,if it was to be linked here as it is now,everybody and their brother would have access to it.Linking the publication on such "member's only" site may help enrollment to the Club.

As far as Club issues being conducted in secrecy,I believe that it will have the opposite effect.Having a place to discuss things pertaining to the Club by its members only,may increase member's participation.

Just as an example,and please don't kill the messenger,take the Opel thread that is active right now on this site.

A simple online poll on wether the membership would like(or not) to have an Opel division could be posted and discussed within the dues paying members.

Such a poll on an open forum could give unbalanced results if not paying members were to vote on it and could end up not being representative of the member's desires.

I picked the Opel example only because is an active thread here with multiple posts and it is,in my opinion,a good example of a Club issue that should be dealt with internally.I don't know if all posters on that thread are members of the BCA but a members only section will guarantee that everyone was.

Again,this is just a tought.

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Roger - it isn't so much secret issues, but there are issues that should be handled internally to the club rather than on a public forum. Financial issues is one that I can think of off the top of my head. Members have the right to discuss and have input, potentially assisting the BoD in making decisions, but non-members should not have input into internal club decisions.

Of course, that's my opinion.

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The BPG uses the Members Only forum for certain club announcements, elections, membership related polls, and most imprtantly - national event information BEFORE the general public gets to it. Stuff like host (and other) hotel information...the host hotel was booked solid in just a couple days after the announcement was made this Winter.

It's a good idea. Although, it's a bit of a logistical nightmare for the admins...because it has to be manually controlled for every member, and kept current. Plus, I don't think it would be possible on a site like this where the BCA has no stake in the "property."

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Dont forget folks, that there is a Buick Club Web site that the BCA controls.

If there was going to be a members only area, that is where it will be.

We have asked about having a members only forum but access to the forums are controlled manually at the moment. Somebody would have to create add/delete to a list by hand, no programatic way of doing it.

Edited by Bill Stoneberg (see edit history)
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