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I was talking to Ed yesterday or the day before and he mentioned that there has been some new members recently but we may not get credit for them.

Maybe I missed it but can you post what is necessary for the division to get credit and win the good food and libations in, and I have been there many times, beautiful Ames Iowa?

( my youngest son received a full academic scholarship to Iowa State and graduated with a EE degree )

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Jim Ed has complied a list of new members who were not part of the BCA and are new members with Reattas. These names are being checked to make sure that they are simply not renewing BCA memberships and that they are really new.

If we have any new BCA members here that own a Reatta or just want to join the Reatta Club and don't have a Reatta you are welcome. You don't have to own a Reatta to be a member of the Reatta Club. On your application to the BCA please note that you are being sponsored by the Reatta Division and we will get credit. We only have 9 days left so lets get it done

Thanks really looking forward to Iowa, its great country, clean fresh air and no traffic or gridlock. By the way if anyone belongs to a local car-club make sure that they know there is an open car show on Saturday the 31st.

See ya in Ames

Chuck Kerls

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Steve I respect your comments but I take issue with some of them....

.... I am retired and on a fixed income but I would like to include you in our club. I am personally inviting you and your family to join the BCA and the Reatta Division and I will write a check to Ed Farnell who is the Treasurer of the Reatta club for your first year membereship, which is $60.00 and we will meet in Ames Iowa.

Hi Chuck, I really don't understand your offer of a free membership to someone that is so critical of your club. When you called to ask me to take over the job of being the webmaster for the Reatta division website you told me right off the bat there would be no pay, that I would have to join the BCA, and the Reatta division, just to have the privilege of doing the job. I also told you that another member of the club had contacted me, for the same reason, and said I might need to be bonded in order to take on the job. You said that might be a possibility. At the time I assumed the Reatta division was in a financial bind to ask me to help out for free considering no one in the club even knew me. Then I read in one of your last newsletters that the Reatta division was considering donating $1000 to the BCA to help them out. Like you, I'm retired and on a fixed income. That is one of the reasons I was reluctant to pay to get to be the webmaster for your club.

Since the club is obviously not needing the extra money from new memberships, you must be really hungry to be offering a free membership in order to "WIN THE CONTEST AND GET FOOD" for getting the most new members to join the BCA. Or is it that you just want the bragging rights for getting the most members signed up for the BCA?

I'm not jealous of Steve getting a free membership. I just find it quite amusing for you to get so excited over having someone cook lunch for a handful of Reatta club members that will be there.

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I'm not jealous of Steve getting a free membership. I just find it quite amusing for you to get so excited over having someone cook lunch for a handful of Reatta club members that will be there.

Uhm, it's just a contest, not life and death. No ones getting excited.

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Uhm, it's just a contest, not life and death. No ones getting excited.
When you start writing in bold, red, capital, oversize, underlined text on the Internet you are expressing yourself as being excited, or yelling at someone! Does what he wrote below seem to be normal conversation to you? When he says, "any arguments now?", suggests to me he was more than excited, he was mad. I hope that is not the case. Someone choosing not to be in a club isn't anything to get mad about even if you are the director of the club.
Lets refocus this thread, I has been lively. Once again I will state that NOW is the time for all Reatta Owners to join the club, and the BCA. Set aside all of the benefits of belonging and all of the critics, the goal of this thread was and is to WIN THE CONTEST AND GET FOOD. Come on its not that hard. We all eat and we all want to win, lets put the high horses away and get on with winning. I stand 100% behind the BCA, the Reatta Division and all of its members, but now its not about cars, its about food and winning, any arguments now?

As of now is appears that we have 27 new members and we are in the process of verifying that number.

I want to appreciate everybody who participates in this forum.

How does the saying go GOT FOOD OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT

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Ronnie you simply crack me up, I am surprised at your behaviour. I have respect for you for your technical knowledge and your computer skills, but your interpersonal skill need work. I am not mad, never was, I just want the club to be the best we can make it. You don't have to join, but you don't have to trash us either. I told you I would take the high road and I will not make any negative comments in spite of your badgering. You can only lose your credibility

I wont say anything bad about you or anyone else on this forum, but let me be clear. No body has ever been paid for anything and never will be. My offer to Steve was to invite him to the club based on his statement that if he were included he would join, I wanted to see if he would join, he declined and that's fine. Never was Club money offered, it was my personal money and I don't find it any of your business how I elect to spend my money.

My goal has been and always will be to further the interest of the Reatta Division and if you don't want to participate that fine lots of folks out there do. And if we win the contest great, it only means our members care and have pride in our club. I am sorry you have to turn a simple contest into something that seems sinister but that's life

Wishing you a good night

Chuck Kerls

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You may be right. Maybe my interpersonal skills do need work. One thing is for sure... when all the people agree on everything all the time, one person is doing the thinking. I choose to not allow myself to fall into that group. I think I have made my point about joining the BCA. There is no need for me to comment further.

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If you think the Reatta Division is only for owners of nice stocked Reattas, let me share a little secret that only very few know. The Reatta Division has magical powers and only the coolest people can join. Cool people are considerate, treat all Reattas as equals, and last but not least enjoy laughing and having fun. So if you are cool, join the Reatta Division. :D

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If you think the Reatta Division is only for owners of nice stocked Reattas, let me share a little secret that only very few know. The Reatta Division has magical powers and only the coolest people can join. Cool people are considerate, treat all Reattas as equals, and last but not least enjoy laughing and having fun. So if you are cool, join the Reatta Division. :D

Roy good to hear from you are you going to Ames? should be a good time. How far is Ames from where you live in Ill.


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I think I have seen your REATTA.

I'm thinking so hard on a REATTA for my next project project.

Can I assume they have the same head room as a same year Riv???

Rick, Steve is 100% correct the sunroof does limit headroom some what but there should be plenty of cars for you sit in at Ames, our guys dont mind, Reattas are made for sittin

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There is now a picture of the BMBLBE in the photo gallery (click image). Luckily other forum members have the answer regarding head room.


We are approximately 6 hours away from Ames. Haven't made concrete plans to attend this year's Nationals yet. I'm sure everyone is going to have a good time.

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Guest C.F.Massie

I've been away from this forum for a few months and just now read this thread, thanks Chuck for pointing it out to me. I just want to put in my two cents. I, and now my son, own a 1968 Shelby GT500 convertible which I purchased new in 1968 but held off joining the Shelby Owners club until the late 1990's. I went to a few nationals and was impressed with their organization but alas some members did eventually throw me off about being a member so I resigned, I won't go into specifics. I also bought a new 1968 AMX and was going to join their club too but my experience in the Shelby club made me very hesitant to try another. I don't mind the judging contests, heck I won quite a few for my Shelby but I stopped entering my car because it became too restrictive for many owners and of course that is because of who were the judges at a particular event. Gratefully they changed the rules to rotate judges to help mix things up and that helped. However it did leave me with a sour taste so I quit entering even knowing I could compete very easily but it also excluded others who loved their Shelby's as much as anyone.

I have over the years belonged to a number of car clubs in different parts of the country I have lived but these clubs were local and did not descriminate as to make model or year of the vehicle. One club even allowed members and non-members to bring their clunkers, even if they were rust buckets on trailers, to the car shows because they wanted anyone interested in cars to come and enjoy the comraderie and share the wealth of knowledge we all had. As many local car clubs do their membership fees pay for car show events but the ones I really support are the ones where the majority of the dues go to charitable organizations. Some charities were pet projects of some members and others were chosen at random and rotated so all were given money. Those were the best clubs I had the pleasure of belonging, they did not care about the car so much as the people owning or admiring them.

As was stated here on this thread the people are what make the clubs and organizations work and the fellowship it brings to each member is what counts because we are all car enthusiasts and that's what ties us together regardless of the make, model or even the country of origin. It's a hobby, albiet sometimes an expensive one, but still just a hobby which car enthusiasts enjoy to share with others of like mind. This forum has been a life saver for me for the technical knowledge I get from it and a source of parts, which we all know is dwindling for our Reattas.

I prefer to belong to the general car clubs covering all vehicles, makes, models, years be it Hot Rods, Classics, Antiques, Sports cars, even trucks, its the vehicles themselves that peeks my interest. We have a remarkable car show here in Wichita every year in the middle of the summer called The Moonlight Car Show and Party, it draws a few thousand cars each year from many neighboring states but the nice thing about it is its for all vehicles and I do mean all. Twelve city blocks of downtown Wichita are blocked off for this event and live entertainment is provided at many places outside ranging from Classic Rock bands to Country to jazz and yes even the inevitable Elvis impersonation show. It's a fun event for all car nuts and a wonderful time to meet people from all walks of life who enjoy the hobby just as much as you do. And that is what I mean by the reason most people join car clubs in the first place, it's the PEOPLE. more than any car.

Bottom line is car clubs are fun, enjoyable and a great way to meet many different folks and swap stories and even meet people with other interests like yours. Many other hobbies provide the same benefits its just that millions of people own cars and the number of car enthusiats are in the millions too so it makes this hobby all the more interesting to me. So join the clubs you find you like or not, and go to car events or shows to fulfill your desire to see cars and people that you may enjoy. Life is short enough that we shouldn't waste it on bickering or taking disagreements too seriously, its not life or death.

I love the statement that Auntie Mame said in that Broadway musical, "Life is a feast and most poor b*&@rds are starving to death.";) Don't starve!!!!

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