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MotorWeek: New (to me) Reatta clips


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Those are really great links. Thanks for posting them.

The MW review was pretty much on target, though I happen to like the rear styling. It is also fun watching the Reatta Craft Centre in operation. I do wonder about a couple of the statements to the effect that 'production is limited to 5000 for the first year', and 'dealers have ordered more than we can build'.

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I can't view the films .... I get the following message and I have the latest Java and Adobe??? - "Hello, you either have JavaScript turned off or an old version of Adobe's Flash Player. Get the latest Flash player. "

Help please?

Which browser are you using? If firefox, select the Tools->Options dialog box. (In linux, use Edit->Preferences.) Select 'Content'. Then see if javascript is turned off. If so, turn it back on and close the dialog box.

(And yes it stinks that so many web sites require javascript nowadays...)

Edited by wws944
Fix windoze version... (see edit history)
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Thanks folks for the thread reply and PMs'. I re installed the Flash Player (couldn't figure out the Java), and used Internet Exployer to open. Just finished viewing and Way to go Bushwack .... Excellent / Enjoyable - especially the Road Test.

Thanks again,



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Guest Richard D

My first time seeing those as well. The gentleman with the cigarette does date the the Craft Centre piece. Although it was not lit. Thank's for posting.

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Guest Mc_Reatta

So I've owned a Porsche built by Volkswagen, and a Buick built by Cadillac. No wonder I'm schizophrenic! :confused:

The reason the download takes so long is they have to apply the blurring function which really slows things down. They wouldn't want you to have a clean copy don't you know. :rolleyes:

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