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Upstate NY Chapter crosses the line


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...to Vermont.

Several members toured to the Calvin Coolidge Homestead in Plymouth Notch, Vt. this past weekend. Despite a blowout for yours truly, the day turned out to be a lot of fun. Many thanks go to the other BCA members with us, Gary and Karen Braglia, Jim and Lynda Jakubiak, and Ed Allmond, for their valuable assistance in our hour of need.

We traveled some rural routes to Route 100, a scenic highway right up the middle of the state. We met up with members who live in Vermont at the Weston Country store.





Then we traveled to the site.


The site is special because the entire village, not just the house of the President, is part of the display. In addition the home of the Presidents family is unique because it contains all the furniture and nick-nacks which were donated to the State with the home.

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Here's some of the things we saw:

Calvins Mothers family house:


The Genral Store, owned by Calvins father. Note the Gulf fuel pump out front. there is a picture inside showing this to be in place in 1924.


The summer White House was on the 2nd floor of the store. A large room for a town hall, it was taken over during the summer for the Presidents office.

Note the counter tops which were hand built and installed in 1890, and the 1900 circa cash register.



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This is the original post office located within the General Store: According to the documents there, the Postmaster earned $50.00 per year, based on the postage she sold. However the year that Calvin used the Summer Whitehouse, she earned $1,500.


Pictured below is the Kerosene Fuel Pump. The tank is located in the basement of the store. It is interesting to note that due to the winters this was indoors, and the houses had attached barns for their implements.


The family home of Calvins Paternal family is way down in the valley. That was not part of the tour.


Calvins immediate family home. The display in here is priceless. There is even a picture of Calvin on the farm with visiting dignitaries, Henry Ford and the Firestone Brothers. Lots of original furniture including the lamp, table and Bible used to swear Calvin into office.


Here is the family workshop. Full of tools and other period farm implements. This is across the street from the family home.


There was so much more to see, and it is all close enough to touch. It really puts you into the flavor of the day. An awesome sight indeed.

Lastly, some fall colors:


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Along with the other previously mentioned, we toured with Russ and Susan Bushnell, who provided an exceptional discourse via FRS radios on the sights we toured and saw.



Thanks for the read.

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Next time let somebody know.... I'da drove up and joined you. :D

I love weekend drives and visits to historical sites such as that. Rita and I will be hitting the Buick Highway taking the Rivi on it's first outing when we go to Raleigh at the end of the month to visit our daugher. We plan to take the old highways vs the interstates. Looking forward to it.

Thanks for sharing.

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Looks like a nice ride JD. One of these days I'll find a vintage Buick that will be able to keep up with you guy's -n- gals. A Reatta Convertable, or the other car would be an Apollo from the ealy to mid 70's. Two door, but would perfer a 6 cylinder with a three speed automatic for reliability like my old Novas had. It seems like it has been one thing after another this year and I have had all sorts of other stuff going on every weekend you folks have had somthing going on. Spread awfull thin right now with a ton of work which is not a bad thing in this economy. :) Dandy Dave!

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Would have been great to have had all of you on the trip with us. Maybe next year. A new tour possibility just came to mind. Ever hear of the Glenn H Curtiss Musuem in Hammondsport NY?

About Glenn H. Curtiss Museum

JD, this is not a 3 hour tour, you need to contact Guy and Anita Bennett in Wayland and see their Buick collection, and don't forget at least one winery, our favorite is Bully Hill Vineyards

And make sure to let us know when you plan to do it, might make for a cool trip for all your friends!

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You can go around the track at Watkins Glenn. Our AACA club was there a couple of weeks ago but with our schedule this fall we were not able to attend. They charge you to go around the track, I do not know the details as to how much or how many times. Check it out.

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