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Loat oil pressure

Guest Backyardmechanic

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Guest Backyardmechanic

Hello All,

I just got back on here since the change over, after many trys THANK YOU Peter!!!!!!!!!!!

Now the problem: There's a 1933 DB that has been setting for years in a shop with heat in the winter and A/C in the summer.and has been own by the same guy since 1958.After some couching from me he has restore to orginal condition.After driveing it for a while he has had some oil pressure problems.Starting out the pressure gage will read 40 lbs.after about 15 miles down the road he will knowest the gage dropeing slowly to "O". If left to cool down and restart the pressure will start at 40# again and will drop to "0" with in time.There's n o knocking of anykind, the engine doesn't seem to lose any power .My first thought is cam bearings.I would rule out oil pump due to the high pressure at start up, Main bearings,I would think there would be a noice coming from the engine?What do you think?

By the way he is useing 20W40 oil.


Edited by Backyardmechanic
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Hi ,

My thoughts, cam bearings. here's why. I han my 31 done by a engine rebuilder a number of years back because I had the same problem. He suggested after doing the main and rod bearings that I do the cam bearings also. However, money became a issue so I didn't.

The oil pressure improved but still falls off a little after running for a while. I run 40 weight oil now. I start off with 75lbs cold and 15 lbs warm.

I was told by the late Dick Perry Sr. not to worry to much about low oil pressure as long as you have some pressure.

Knock on wood :) it's been 10 yrs and still running strong. I hope to be driving it to Gettysburg next year.

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Guest imouttahere

imouttahere...welcome to the AACA sponsored forums but please be civil to other posters. No reason to get personal nor attack individuals. This is an old car forum for those that enjoy cars whether they use spellcheck or not! We have received complaints and will act accordingly in the future. Peace to all and enjoy your Dodges!

Edited by Steve Moskowitz
self explanatory (see edit history)
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Guest Backyardmechanic

Thanks Joe.

MR. OUTTAHERE would you be so kind to translate my post so we all will know how to write so to please you.I didn't knowest in the ruels that grammar was so important.



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Vern dont let those that critisize your spelling get you down , i worked out exactly what you were saying , no probs , we cant all be the best spellers in the world, although 50 odd years ago i used to pride myself with my spelling , boy how things change ,ie texting etc. as for your oil pressure problem , unless your bearings are worn out (which doesnt sound likely ) i would go along with keiser ,( i,ve had that problem before)look at your oil pressure relief valve, if it needs be (sorry i couldnt spel nessesary ) iwould reface it with vave grinding paste, you can do it yousellf , but make sure you get rid of all the rsidue

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Hopefully, we can get back to solving the lost oil pressure problem and not get sidetracked any more by someone who should have been "outtahere" a long time ago. Sometimes you gotta put up with some thorns to get to the roses.

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He did change his name a few months ago, but not the attitude.

I didnt mean to get things stirred up on here, but I am the kind of guy that needs to tell it like I see it. I enjoy my morning computer sessions and have learned more on here than I thought that I needed to know. I want you all to know that it is appreciated.

So, Does anybody know of a good forum that caters to my new aquisition? A 1947 ALF pumper truck. It has a V12 that is similar to an Auburn. Lycoming I think.

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That is a nice firetruck, I have a 52 Ford that was a firetruck at one point in north Carolina, it only has 23000 showing and I know it to be correct as it does not look like the body has ever seen the rain. It looks like yours has lived in a ziplock bag. Mine was a water truck and when I got it the tank had already been removed, I plan to use it as a daily driver for a buisness that I plan to start up soon. I dont think I could ask for better advertising. I updated the drivetrain because I do plan on using it daily and cannot have it down for weeks as a time just because something goes wrong with it. If you would like to see pict. let me know.

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Sure 1930, I am always interested in peoples projects. By all means post a pic. I dont think others would mind a little off subject here. Do you know of any fire truck forums?

This ALF does not run yet as it has been parked for several years. I did get it to run by spraying a mist down the carb throats but I am wary of the fuel tank and the electric fuel pump is eratic. AND no brakes yet. This is on back burner until the weather forces me back inside. Maybe parades next summer...I am going to try to run this monster V12. If it gives me to many fits it will get a Hemi...

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I will post a couple of pict tomm. night, I do know that there is a pretty big following of fire trucks and people that restore them but I dont know of any specific site. I would defanitely do my best to keep that V-12, that just sounds tough to be able to say V-12. The powertrain that was in mine was first year and one year only, a lincoln motor, Y-block, 53 they went to a larger cube, basically the same motor but a majority of bolt on items would not interchgange. I started out with good intentions of keeping it all original but to be honest it would not fit my budget and would not have been realistic for what I wanted to do with the truck. I will be using it now daily and it will be more reliable, it will be able to pull a big tree out by the roots and it will be recognizable for my buisness. Above all if I want a part I can go to Napa for the most part. Dosent really fit into this forums mission statement I know but hey its only a FORD.

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Jack, here are a couple of pict. before I get started for the day, when I got the truck alot of it was in boxes, the front end sheet metal was hanging by a couple of bolts and the cab was not even bolted down, there was alot of stuff missing and I could not seem to get any answers or parts. The last guy unfortunately sanded the doors removing the lettering but it was a volunteer dept. in the Carolinas somewhere. I would like to find out where so I can contact them, I am pretty sure they would be happy to see it being used again. I put new front tires on it but need back ones badly, will have to wait because or cost, anyway not that I have taken it any distance yet it is fun to drive. I just had the runningboards bent and I still need to cut them and attach, if I remove something I try and replace it wilh aluminum or stainless so I dont have to worry about rust. Hard to believe I have worked on this thing nearly every day sun up to sundown all day for just over a month now. The little nickel and dime stuff is what is killing me, a new painless wiring kit was a big help, the prev. owner had destroted what may have been left of the 6 volt harness.






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I think you'll find that the V-12 is a Pierce Arrow engine with the heads modified for dual plugs. I'm pretty sure that's where ALF purchased the patterns. My hometown had a truck like that, still might--it was in service 10 years ago at least. When I was a kid they had a chain drive truck they used for parades only. Someone decided it was way too old and they sold it off. The nearby town still has their 1914 T fire chief's car!

Umm, somehow I "dodged" talking about Dodges! (required Dodge content!)

David D.

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I am happy that you guys are interested in this thing. 1930, It looks like you are having fun with yours.

Ddewey, I had not considered the Pierce Arrow as a possibility. The guy I bought it from told me it was a Lycoming which is also where the Auburns got theirs. Who knows. I will get it running and like 1930 if it gives me fits I will put something in there that I can deal with.

Nearchocolate, Thanks for the link, I will check it out.

Here are a couple of pics. Note that it has TWO distributers., Makes it look like it has about a hundred plugs and wires. I would expect that it will be a show in the dark.

The engine is mounted behind the front seat and has side hoods kind of like an old car so it is a bit hard to get good pictures because it is way down in there.

This thing has a wild throttle linkage that goes from the front of the truck, back to a bulkhead behind the engine and then back forward to the carbs. It works OK, it kind of reminds me of an old Bentley that I used to have but heavier. (that Bentley had more linkages on it than any other car I have ever seen).

Hope you all are enjoying the weekend, Everything I had planned got rained out !!!!Spent two days sitting in the motorhome doing nothing by myself.






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I agree with you 1930. It would only get replaced if it gives up on me. I had it running by spraying gas down the carbs and it sounded pretty good. There are no mufflers, just some turn downs about 4 ft back of the engine. I remember when I was a kid and the fire trucks could get away with noise. I loved it, and since this is original equipment it will not get changed short of a major failure.

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