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Have you "burned rubber" in a Reatta??


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I did, yesterday. :D

We went to Cracker Barrel and I saw a good empty parking space but as I started to pull into it, another driver was doing a pass-thru (was an empty spot behind this one) so we met at a stalemate (I guess they were 3/4 of the way in the lines)

They just sat there looking at us like we were stoopid, but I expected them (to be nice) and back up into the empty space they just drove thru.

They didnt budge of course. :mad:

So I backed out and I was already upset :mad::mad::mad: b/c of something at work that happened at close of business.

I punched the accel to WOT (wide open throttle) ....tires peeled out and left a long black skid on the lot...lol.

I really didn't expect that to happen, the old Reatta had more umph that I thought she had! :eek:

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Guest wally888

Several years ago, 199? I had a 91 coupe w/ 42,000 miles on it. Had new OEM replacement tires.

It always burnt rubber if I goosed it a little.

None of the other 5 I have owned would burn rubber.

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Guest Richard D

When I bought my first one in1990 I wanted to see how much torque steer it had, so without warning the salesman sitting next to me I power braked the demo with about 150 miles on it and it spun both tires, just not at the same time, first one side would spin then the other. I was shocked that there was NO torque steer! The salesman just wanted me to park it. The next day I bought a Reatta, but not that one, one that had 8 miles on it. Of course I was young back then.

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Guest Bill_Boro

When we were in High School back in the 60's some of the "genius" greasers would grossly over inflate their tires to show off. Lots of smoke, squeeling and rubber laided down with old worn out clunkers. Didn't do much for the tires.

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Guest steveskyhawk

"I punched the accel to WOT (wide open throttle) ....tires peeled out and left a long black skid on the lot...lol. "

This was done in the Cracker Barrel parking lot? This is a family resturaunt. And if a 3 year old had run out from behind a parked car which is what kids do?

I've come to the come to the conclusion that i drive like the old man that i am because i'd rather die myself than injure that hypothetical kid lurking behind every car. Dont get me wrong, i know where the throttle is and do enjoy using it when it works right. In the past I have made 4000 jumps from an airplane and have flown jets so I know what risks come with speed.

Reattitude, i apologize for being preechey. Please be more carefull.

On a side note i've noticed that it is nearly impossible to get a ticket with a car that says BUICK on the back. I believe there is a local law that prohibits the cops from pulling over old guys in Buicks. The stealth car.

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Stupid Reatta tricks: set the parking brake real hard and then stab it. Should go on about forever. Don't forget the "C" develops maximum torque at almost exactly the trans stall speed.

ps re 255s - ever hear of "unladen understeer"?

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Guest Richard D

Padgett, I had some fun doing that to Grand Am's while my Fiero was at the Pontiac shop for something and they would rent them for $10.00 a day. Except once, when I let off the parking brake and the rear tires started turning again for some reason they were very flat spotted. Thud thud thud thud thudthudthudthud etc.

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