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How much do you think its worth?


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re.: Grandfathers GIVE their grandkids things.

My father-in-law was very generous with his grandchildren, but also scrupulously fair. When his eldest grandson was in need of a car and the grandfather had a spare, he gave it to the grandson. Before he gave it to him he took it and had it appraised and wrote a check for the appraised amount to each of his other four grandchildren. They were to save the money and apply it toward their first car. My three children were very glad to have that money when it was time for their first car.

Later my son bought a pickup truck from him. Again, to be fair to all, he had the truck appraised. Being an old mechanic he took it home, serviced it completely, belts, brakes, etc. and sold it to the grandson for what the dealer offered for it -- a very good deal on a very nice truck.

Chances are BB'sPops' grandfather is in a similar situation.

Don Lynskey

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