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Happy Thanksgiving


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I was once told when I was a little lad, "just wait till you get old, time goes by so much faster". At the time, I thought the statement was stupid. Now that I'm older, it appears that the saying bears much truth. It seems like just a short while ago I was offering Thanksgiving greetings to you guys on the forum. Wow, how time flies! Again it is my honor to wish each and everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. May your holiday be filled with great food, great family, great friends, and great fun.

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Happy T'day. When you were four, one year was one fourth of your life. When you are fifty, one year is one fiftieth of your life. Do a pie graph of those and you see why it seems so much faster. I hope to hit a hundred, but I thank God for every breath.

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Guest simplyconnected

We all have so much to be thankful for... as I get older, my blessings become so much more self evident. When I was young and dumb my sense of entitlement disguised God's true blessings, and I took them for granted. Now, I get it. Cherish your time together with your loved ones and,

<span style="font-family: 'Impact'"><span style="font-size: 17pt">Happy Thanksgiving</span></span>, everyone.

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Happy Thanksgiving to you as well!

I am a working [pretty much put my sales job on hold for about 3 weeks]chairman for our church's Thanksgiving Meal. We deliver meals as well as rent a hall to serve meals. In years past we would serve 1000 meals in the hall and deliver about 2000 meals to shut ins and people w/o transportation. This year, we are already committed to delivering 2300 meals which means that we should serve about 1200 in the hall.

I hope that;

200 turkeys

5000 servings of potatoes

5000 servings of stuffing

2500 servings of cranberries

2500 servings of green bean casserole

500 pies


[ALL DONATED] is enough food.

Lots of work [co-ordinating 500 volunteers and getting the food] but the reward is tremendous.

I am looking forward to Friday so I can get back to my regular life and my job.

Wish us well...

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500 pies, now that would make for one heck of a pie fight. Would't it be great if conflicts and wars were resolved with a big pie fight, I'd like to think that everyone would be laughing at the end of it.

Happy Thanksgiving to all here, and everywhere.

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