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First time to any reunion


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Being a member for almost 2 years, this was my first real chance to go to a reunion.[Couldn't go to Washington].

I just want to say that I had a great time and would recomend that if the opportunity presents itself that you go as well.

I didn't know anyone prior to getting there[other then posts on this forum]. But I was easily accepted. Thank you for that.

There were about 75 Reattas there, of all years, coupes and verts. I was very impressed by the care and appearance of these cars. After a tech forum from the designers of the Reatta we went on a cruise and then toured a Reatta "nuts" warehouse of Reattas [aprox.60 in various state of repairs].

Friday and Sat. I went over to the showground and toured the grounds looking at all the vintage Buicks as well as took in the Buick museum. Very impressive! The Reatta far and away had the most cars there, even more then Rivs.

While we were on the grounds I set up shop and sold most of my excess inventory of parts [iPCs,remotes,etc.].As a matter of fact Manikmekanik and I helped fellow Reatta owners rekey their remotes, so even some service work was done.

Overall a very good experience and I want to thank everyone for welcoming me into the Reatta experience!

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Dave you are right it was good to meet you finally. I appreciate your help on stuff for my Riv. After we talked, you have a lot of stuff to share. Why dont you contact April Gill and do a story about your experiences. It will be interesting reading. And by the way somebody might teach you something about football.........lol

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Jim, [or anyone else for that matter] The Packers will still end up with the best record. I predict 13-3 or better. The Vikings [if they get Favre] will also do well, as they should.They keep grabbing all those Packer castoffs!lol

I sure am glad I wore a Packer shirt! It made for quite the conversation starter.

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Guest HessLakeGuy

It was great to meet you, Dave. Just talking in the various motel lobbies the last few years has led to quite a few friendships for a lot of us.

There were some neat people there and some great cars.

Tom and Carolyn

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Saturday morning I was depressed........ the meet would be over that day and we had such a great time. Every evening at the Wingate, we sat in the lobby/breakfast room until 11 pm and talked Reattas. Up the next morning and talked Reattas at breakfast. People cleaning their Reattas and you would see them coming at you on the streets.... Reattas everywhere.

Thursday was packed with Reatta activities, The Reatta roundtable with 7-8 people that worked on the Reatta program, telling their stories and answering questions.

Then we went to John's building to see roughly 60 Reattas.

Then on to dinner (which I missed because of another meeting, but I had a burger on the way to the meeting)

We only have one meeting each year, but we streach it out for 4 days and try and get our fill of Reattas.

We also see our old friends from previous years and meet new Reatta owners and others that are making it to their first national meet.

I had a great time, already have my hotel for next year, and will start my planning process for Colorado Springs shortly.

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I also enjoyed meeting you Dave. After the first 5 minutes of talking with you, it was clear you have a lot of information to share with others. I plan on making a copy of your upper dash removal tool this weekend so I can replace my photocell without damaging plastic parts. Thanks for the help.

This was our first show as well and we had a great time. We will not be able to make Colorado, but are looking forward to our next opportunity. We’ll be back.

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Guest mgibson

Well said, Barney! I feel the same way. Monday morning we were at a different hotel with no familiar faces to greet. We traveled down the Skyline Drive in Virginia on the way home and that was great. One hundred miles of top down relaxation! Just as good as it gets! laugh.gif


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It was great spending what little time I was afforded with y'all at the 2008 BCA Nats in Flint, MI !

Thanks for the accomodations, Dave! I stayed the next night, rather than drive to Toledo, and drove Beauty in the GM 100th parade. I owe 'ya for the hospitality you provided. Did you get an elbow & hose for your crusie yet?

Driving in the Reatta convoy to the show field was terrific! I have'nt seen as many Reattae together since the Reatta Reunion/Wedding hosted by April & Ron Gill in Lansing.

I enjoyed helping everyone out at the show, especially the keyless fob battery game! Turned out there was only 1 good battery among all involved, yet we all thought ours was good!

Beauty turned as many heads with her unique, (1 of 2), color set as she did displaying her horns. I could'nt count the number of people who said "Nice Horns" or " Honk your Horns", or just plain laughed and pointed at them at the show field, and along the GM 100th parade route, Sunday. A few zoomed-in on the horns for a photo, and a couple video cameras, (including a news crew), did as well.

As we all watched the news, waiting for the Ch. 12 story, featuring Bob Neuman, the promo came on, (showing the announcer, and the tail end of the Reatta convoy to the show field Saturday), showing Beauty, Dave's 89, and Jim Finn, bringing up the rear. The video posted at their website does'nt show this. It would be nice to retrieve more of the footage they shot that day.

Thanks again, Dave - for the dinner ticket. While there, (under an assumed name - yours!), I met Nicola Bulgari's representative, and found out that Beauty's little sister, (the last Reatta convertible - adornerd in black skin, with flame red interior), was now a part of his personal collection. Bulgari loves Buicks, and likes to get the last-built of every car he can. Bulgari is a jewelry designer, who designed dash elements for the Cadillac XLR. On the weekend of the BCA Nats, ALL the cars on display at the Sloan Museum were from Bulgari's collection, yet Beauty's little sister was not present. I made sure to trade email & phone numbers with them after dinner, and hope to get in contact with him soon, in hopes of reuniting Beauty with her long-lost sibling.

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Manik! I added length to the hose by way of a connector, but the cruise still pulls off under sustained vaccum draw. I went to a junkyard got another, but that one worked like the one you brought out... not at all. Back on with my original, with the same problems. Picked up another one today to give that a try.[i gotta believe its in the servo].

With all that driving you had on Friday, I couldn't see you going on to Toldeo, so you are welcome [had two queen beds no other guests]. Glad you got to meet the owner of the twin of your car. Glad you could use the meal ticket... Good for you!

That was quite a Sat. morn, being in the convoy and then workin on the key fobs. Good thing I brought 3 to sell!

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