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PreWar Buick Craftsman's Guild

Mark Shaw

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This morning while perusing the AACA forum sites, I came across a request for someone who rebuilds the shutter thermostats used in early 30's GM cars.

The request was answered with an explanation that there was really only one guy in the USA that still does this work and his name, address and phone number were provided. Although that is one of the best reasons to frequent these forums, I think we could take this one step further.

We will all eventually need references for qualified sources of specialty services and/or reproduction parts for our prewar cars & trucks. Several car clubs publish directories with references and listings of local businesses who offer such services. But I have never seen a national directory like this.

I would like to know if this is a viable option for the BCA PreWar Division. If we get enough good references to compile a booklet, we may be able to publish a booklet or make a CD & sell them to raise money for PWD special events and tours.

We could also sell advertising space, but I think we would have to pre-qualify advertisers with a good member reference or recommendation before accepting such ads.

Please give me some feedback on this.

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Mark ....That is an excellent idea. I know of the guy you're talking about that rebuilds early thermostats. It took me a month's worth of phone calls to find him. I am always looking for services ans parts and a quick reference to this site would be quite handy.

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A GREAT idea, and one I would try to help you organize. I think also advertising would be a good idea, but then you need someone to track revenue, but that might work out. The ROA has a CD of all technical items and this could be something similar.

I do some part time work with a resto shop and like most shops I think some of the reference materials are a bit "loose" for lack of a better term, and I am in the process of trying to better organize them so I have some references.

I have also been in contact with a number of international members that are looking for resources, and odd parts from time to time, and they do check this site on a regular basis.

We should make this a subject for Flint.


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I gladly accept your offer to help organize this effort and will definately put it on the agenda for our meeting in Flint.

Each of the PWD regional directors should also help co-ordinate this effort by requesting such references from PWD members and at their local BCA chapter meetings.

Hey guys... are you seeing this?

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With the correct setup you could make this work on the web real easily.

I will talk to the folks in my area and see who they use.

I can offer some help on a web application, but my time is limited at the moment for working on this. I am trying to get something done for the nationals at the moment and it is taking most of my free computer time.

After Flint I will have more time though.

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Agreed. I think we would also need to update the list after contacting each service provider at least every other year or so. This would allow us to verify that they are still providing quality services and make any changes in phone numbers, email addresses etc.

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Guest jules greenway

hi Mark

Ialso need services of a thermostat repairer, but could not find the thread you mention. Would be obliged if you can pass on info

great idea re craftsmans guild

all the best

Jules Greenway

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Guest Fr Mike


As a '31 Buick owner, I think this would be an invaluable tool. I think we all should go for building and maintaining it!!!!!!!!!!

Fr Mike

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Another thing I like about this is it would eliminate a good deal of the rumor factor associated with finding a service.

For example, I heard that "someone" (Who is "someone" or their brother, "somebody?") is rebuilding cast aluminum brake drums by replacing the steel liner. True or not? I don't know, but I've found no reference to confirm or deny it.

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