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Web site access? ? ?

Barney Eaton

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I realize most of you have bookmarked access to the forum, therefore bypassing the main web site. I have received several complaints of not being able to access to links from reatta.org Please take a moment to see if you can access the forum site and specifically try other links and report your findings here. Appreciate your assistance to determine problem area.

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Barney, The website seems to work fine when viewed with Internet Explorer.

The website is not working properly with the Firefox browser. At least not for me. Only the last two links, 'manuals' and 'Peterson Award' in the menu are functional. Some of the formating of text and spacing is also different. If you are using Microsoft Office to build the website those types of problems are common and sometimes hard to work around.

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Guest Squire Tom

same for me , i ex works for all links ,but mozilla firefox only works with one link.

however firefox is better than ie x for everything else

guess i will have to bit the bullet and use iex to enjoy the site

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Guest tempest68


Ditto on Firefox not working. Before my wife and I had the triplets (will turn 2 this month), I used to think about volunteering for the webmaster position for reatta.org (I get paid to do web development for my day job, and did discuss the webmaster possibility with Nancy probably three years ago). But now my time is at a premium, and I have stopped doing any work for free anymore except for our personal site.

Anyways, find someone that is familiar with web standards/methodologies to help fix this up. Is the site built using any kind of tool/package? Or is it completely written from scratch without using any tools?

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