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Select 60 on e-Bay


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I ordered a car-fax report on the Select 60 currently on e-Bay and it came back "cannot be found". The seller has many of the words spelled wrong (Slect, convertibale, verry, etc.) Anyone have any info on the car? Is this an American dealer who just can't spell? Something doesn't look right.

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The Select 60 was a gimic of sorts, where the top 60 Buick dealers were offered a "select" Reatta, it had some additional options, or colors or something that were not available on regular models.

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: TommyH</div><div class="ubbcode-body">The Select 60 was a gimic of sorts, where the top 60 Buick dealers were offered a "select" Reatta, it had some additional options, or colors or something that were not available on regular models.</div></div>

"OFFERED" as in the opportunity to buy it, they were'nt "AWARDED", as in given to the dealer. 65 were made.


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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Tammy</div><div class="ubbcode-body">OUCH TOMMY. No "gimic" </div></div>

Yeah, it was 'kind of' a gimic. They "best" dealers were offered a "select" Car, to draw people in, but the S/60s were pretty nice. Tammy, seeing as you know so much about S/60s, why don't you tell us all the extra things they got that the regular Reattae didn't?

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Guest F14CRAZY

-'91 style, 16'' wheels, painted white

-white top

-X22 code on the trunk label

-white seats, door panels, flame red trim

-pin stripe delete

-'91 armrest with the retracting cupholder (finally!)

-standard 16 way and CD player (from what I know)

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Reserve is 15K. Antenna and visor clip are broken. a/c has not been retrofitted. Stone chips above headlights. This is a dealer who will refund the $ within 10days if not satisfied. He said it was very clean, no rust.

Seemed like a decent person when I spoke with him.

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Actually, not a bad looking S/S specimen....only 2 hours to go and is only at 12k....I would say it is worth the 15k easy, but whether or not it will fetch it .... big ?

I just bought a certain young lady an extremely expensive after Christmas gift (V-day I guess)....I am seriously out of play or any other kind of $ for a looooong time frown.gif

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